Friday, April 29, 2011

Do Not Be Distracted by the Obama Birth Certificate Bullshit Smokescreen That is Hijacking the News.

It matters not where Obama was born.

 If he were born in Russia or even on another planet it makes no difference because he is NOT in charge in the White House.

 In fact, The President , the Congress, and the Senate DO NOT govern this country, period.  End of Story.    

They are Are Completely  Powerless.

Americans Have Absolutely No Control Over their government…no way, no how, no question.

The CIA is more powerful than all of them put together.

According to Wayne Madsen, an investigative journalist, a former NSA officer, and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report, the controversy surrounding President Barack Obama's birthplace is nowhere near as scandalous and spooky as the cover-up of his background in the CIA.

In this past week Madsen has appeared several times on the Alex Jones show to discuss his research into Obama's roots in the CIA, his family's ties to the CIA which goes all the way back to the 1960s and the Cold War, and how Obama's political rise in Chicago and later as a Senator would not have been possible without special help from the CIA.

Masden claims Barack Obama is a puppet President that is completely controlled by the CIA.

(The following are excerpts from a powerful article by investigative Journalist Wayne Madsen. He addresses the core of the biggest danger to our nation in it’s history. He strikes the nail squarely on the head with the hammer of truth.)

The Real question is…Who controls the CIA?

 The answer is a small financial elite who own the privately run Federal Reserve Bank.

  To put it simply, a small financial elite hijacked the American government, and used their power to profit off of American people like parasites. The CIA is a creature of the bankers who manage the Fed. The controllers of the Fed and CIA pose as rational and peaceable guardians of America while in reality they are insane satanic maniacs bent on total control of everything and everyone.

  America was originally hijacked for a special purpose - to use its wealth and power to take over the world, and invade countries for the benefit of a small elite. but that age of plunder and empire is coming to an end, and the purpose and goals of the elite have changed.   The new project is to set up a private and dictatorial one world government. They don't want to plunder the world anymore, instead, they want to "manage" it.

 So America is no longer needed as it was in the past. Under this new world order America is being sacrificed. Her throat is being cut. America is purposely being crashed and imploded, just like the twin towers were crashed and imploded by design. The American economy was rigged to collapse, as well as its political system.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Zionist Squatters Evict Palestinian Granny From Her Home and Force Her to Sleep in Street

I'm Not A So Called "Birther" But Lets Talk

   Obama finally released what he says is his true birth certificate. In his speech he gloats and smirks and says how silly the whole thing was. Now. I'm not and never was a person who questioned his birth certificate. But now, since I've seen it and done just a tiny bit of research, I wonder.

Here is the document:

   Two things bother me here.   First- Kenya is listed as Obama's father's nation of birth. But Kenya wasn't called Kenya in 1961. It was the British East Africa Protectorate. It did not become a republic until 1964  and was not Named "Kenya" until 1963.

   And second- In 1961, the hospital Obama was born in was NOT named the Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital. In 1961, the hospital Obama was born in was named the Kauaikeolani Children's Hospital. It did not change its name to the Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until it merged with the Kapiolani hospital system in 1978.

Uncle Coonie Says:

The person who made this birth certificate in 1961 must have been clairvoyant to see into the future like that...don't you agree?
I don't mean to nit-pick but can you see what i'm saying here?
Look it up yourself.
 What the F**k kind of stupid ass sh*t are these people trying to pull here? Is this their way of trying to distract Americans from the REAL issues facing our nation? 
Or are they trying to start a race war between the whites who say he's ineligible and the African Americans who see the whites as trying to remove their first Black president?
This is some fishy sh*t!
(Thanks to Mike Rivero of for the detective work)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Silver 2.5 Times Higher in 1 Year ... And Still Rising!!

Uncle Coonie Says:

This is more of an indicator of a weak dollar than one of strong silver. Nevertheless.... BUY SILVER NOW!! You wont see it this low again! 
(This from world renown trends forecaster and Gerald Celente... Look for it to hit $50.00 and sit for a while before skyrocketing late 2011-early 2012. )

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Explains Why Obama Has Never Had Powers To Govern At All


Dr. Paul Craig Roberts gives an eye opening and sobering account of the nations current fiscal crisis and the reasons the President and Congress are completely powerless to do anything about it.

  Dr. Roberts credentials prove that he is the dominant intellectual in economics and geo-political affairs in America today. He is also  a TRUE PATRIOT if there ever was one.

 He served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under Ronald Reagan and Treasury Secretary Regan credited him with the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981.
From 1982 through 1993, he held the William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

 He is also the former editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal and columnist for Business Week and the Scripps Howard News Service.

You can bet he knows EXACTLY what he's talking about.

Listen to his straightforward and hard hitting assessment of The nation, the President, Congress, and the future.

Send this video to everyone.

Uncle Coonie says:

This guy is my new hero.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

National Debt Clock in Times Square Runs Out of Digits

Uncle Coonie Says:

 The truth is that it's easier for the Federal Reserve to conjure up more money than it is to add more digits to this sign. The difference is, this sign won't create the hyper-inflation that WILL spell the end of this country and it's people.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Take a Look at The Internet Without Net Neutrality

Uncle Coonie Says:
Are you ready for THIS??  I promise you none of the sites I get MY info from will be be on this list! Sites like this one, and thousands of other ones that actually INFORM  the public would be priced out of reach or completely blocked. That's what's at stake in the battle for net neutrality. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

BP Oil Spill Clean up Workers Becoming Sicker by The Thousands

   My heart bleeds for this man and everyone else whose lives are being destroyed by the 800,000 gallons of Corexit 9500 dispersant sprayed into the Gulf of Mexico.

Mother Jailed for Taking Vaccine Damaged Daughter Off the Drug Risperdal

  Maryanne Godboldo’s problems began when her daughter aged 13 was given mandatory vaccinations. The shots were given to her daughter to enable her to begin public school. Shortly after the vaccines, Ms Godboldo noticed a sudden change in daughters behaviour. Her daughter became easily irritated, suffering severe mood swings with episodes of facial grimacing.
  She asked the ‘The Children’s Centre’ for help.The centre recommended that her daughter take the controversial anti psychotic drug Risperdal. Instead of improving her daughters behaviour however, the drug made her aggressive and violent.

Despite her daughters rapid improvement, immediately after she was weaned off the drug, the CPS arrived to remove the child.

Uncle Coonie Says:


Fluoride Spill at Water Facility Literally Burns Holes in Parking Lot Cement


   According to reports from WQAD News 8 in Moline, a tanker truck containing fluoride to add to the citys drinking water leaked onto the ground and actually began to burn through parking lot cement before emergency crews arrived on the scene.

Uncle Coonie Says:

 "This is the poison that is purposefully added to the water that YOUR CHILDREN drink.  And, a recent study by the American Dental Assn. proved that flouride ACTUALLY CAUSES TOOTH DECAY!!!!"
Unflippin believable!!

Obama Receives Transparency Award at Secret Meeting


  On Monday President Obama received an award for transparency which was given to him during a closed, unannounced meeting.

 Bestowed upon the President from a group of transparency advocates, the ceremony took place in secret.
No member of the press was allowed in!!

Uncle coonie Says:

"These days hidden means transparent. Up means down. Wrong means right.
But no matter how hard they try to sell them,
Lies will NEVER  be truth!"  POOF!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Libyan Rebel Leader Spent Much of Past 20 Years in Suburban Virginia


  Since coming to the United States in the early 1990s, Khalifa Hifter lived in suburban Virginia outside Washington, D.C. ( Langley)
  Badr said he was unsure exactly what Hifter did to support himself, and that Hifter primarily focused on helping his large family.

Uncle Coonie Says:

"This ought  to tell you who's behind the turmoil in Libya. And who the new "puppet" in Libya will be.
The U.S government is more evil than any of us can imagine."

America's True Reason for Attacking Libya Becomes Clear With New Central Bank

                                        Actual   Rockefeller Center Sculptures

 America's true reason for intervention, and missile attacks against Libya has become very clear today with a sudden creation by the rebels of a new central bank on March 29th.

  Libya has been one of the last nations in the world that had its own state run banking system, and control over its own money supply.

Uncle Coonie Says:
"One more nation enslaved...Iran, Venezuela, etc...are close behind!
Folks, these countries are NOT our enemies,despite what the TV says.  They just refuse to become the slaves of the Rothchild central banking cabal.   And now Libya  becomes the latest victim in the grand evil scheme to enslave the world."