Thursday, February 17, 2011

Afghan war costs $300 million a day: Pentagon

   The withdrawal of American troops from Iraq will allow for a reduced US defense budget in 2012 but the war in Afghanistan still costs the United States close to 300 million dollars a day.

  The budget for Afghanistan and Iraq includes $79.2 billion for operations, $10.1 billion to counter the threat posed by homemade bombs -- the main killer of NATO-led troops in the war.
  Some $11.9 billion is devoted to repairing and replacing equipment lost or damaged and $12.8 billion for training and arming Afghan security forces, who are supposed to gradually take over security duties between now and 2015.

Full Story HERE

*(Trillion$$  for Wall St.bankers and illegal wars and congress doesn't bat an eye.....
Brave soldiers who sacrifice everything blindly believing their country would never put them in harms way for the wrong reasons...
Children left orphans...Wives widowed...
I could see spending $300 million a day to KEEP these things from happening...
But our country is bankrupt and, im sorry but, our soldiers are just too damned important to me.
It's time people.  Time for this all to end!)

Monday, February 14, 2011

This Weeks Notable News and Stuff

Click on GREEN headline for full story

Ron Paul Wins CPAC 2011 Presidential Straw Poll BIGTIME!!

 For the second year in a row, conservatives attending the annual CPAC conference in Washington D.C. have selected Rep. Ron Paul of Texas as the winner of their presidential straw poll. 
Dr.Paul received 30 % of the vote.

Mitt Romney was second at    22%.
Sarah Palin was at     7%
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty at     6%
Indiana Rep. Mike Pence at    6%
Newt Gingrich and  Mike Huckabee at 4%.

WHY did he win?
Just take a look at Ron Paul and see:

As a Congressman:
He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the President

He Refused to accept the plush Congressional pension.
He Regularly returns funds from his Congressional office budget to the U.S. Treasury.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.

He voted against the Patriot Act

As a specialist in obstetrics/gynecology, Dr. Paul has delivered more than 4,000 babies.

Lets see if you agree with Ron Paul on current issues:

Border Security
and Immigration Reform

"The talk must stop. We must secure our borders now. A nation without secure borders is no nation at all. It makes no  sense to fight terrorists abroad when our own front door is left unlocked."

War and Foreign Policy
 "The only constitutional way to go to war is to declare the war, by the congress, not by the president. The people should be behind it.”  Bring ALL troops in ALL countries  home NOW!"

Privacy and Personal Liberty
"The biggest threat to your privacy is the government. I sponsored a bill to overturn the Patriot Act."
“The Constitution was written to restrain the government, never to restrain the people.”

American Independence and Sovereignty
"We must withdraw from any organizations and trade deals that infringe upon the freedom and independence of the United States of America. They transfer power from our government to unelected foreign elites."  No NWO!

Debt and Taxes
“The people know much better how to spend their money than the government.”
 "Lower taxes benefit all of us, creating jobs and allowing us to make more decisions for ourselves about our lives."

Abolish the IRS

Abolish the Federal Reserve

National Defense
"A defense policy for the United States should first seek to make Americans safer."

"Currently, the United States maintains hundreds of thousands  of troops in more than 100 foreign countries. In many cases, they are there to defend foreign borders. And our borders remain unsecured." 

"Stop the wars and bring our soldiers those trillions of dollars HOME!"

Social Security
The proposed solutions for S.S. problems, ranging from lower benefits to higher taxes to increasing the age of eligibility, are NOT solutions; they are betrayals. Our nation’s promise to its seniors is a sacred trust."
Allow the young people to "Opt out" of Social Securiuty if they wish and invest their money how THEY see fit.

Life and Liberty
"I am strongly pro life. Life begins at conception ... but, I do not believe this should be a federal government matter."

Health Freedom
"The people are concerned about the government’s escalating intervention into their freedom to choose  what they eat and how they take care of their health.”
"I support the Access to Medical Treatment Act, H.R. 2717, which expands the ability of Americans to use alternative medicine and new treatments."

The Second Amendment
“I share our Founders’ belief that in a free society each citizen must have the right to keep and bear arms.”

(Can YOU agree with Dr Paul??  It's hard not to!
Egypt did it THEIR way....This is how WE can do it!!)

White House to Cut Energy Assistance for the Poor

   President Obama’s proposed 2012 budget will cut several billion dollars from the government’s energy assistance fund for poor people, officials briefed on the subject told National Journal.

(Trillions for wall street bankers and illegal wars of aggression... once again, not DICK for the American people.)

Israel Openly Opposes Democracy in Middle East

  Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. And yet, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's second-in-command has strictly rejected the establishment of democracy in Egypt, alleging it could have dire consequences.

(The Zionist government continues to show that it has NEVER wanted peace in the region and doesn't want arabs to be free.)


"Traitor Joe" Lieberman Moves To Give The President Authority To Shutdown The Internet

(We need to run this CHODE out of the country on a rail!!)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ron Paul On Verge Of Announcing 2012 Presidential Bid !!

  “Texas Congressman Ron Paul “is strongly considering a run [for president] in 2012 and is currently assessing his prospects,” according to Jesse Benton, Senior Advisor to Rep. Paul’s Campaign for Liberty organization.


(You KNOW that something MUST be done to save our country. But you just don't know what YOU can do to help?
Here's our chance!  Possibly our last chance!  The Status Quo just won't cut it anymore. Ron Paul is the genuine answer.  He is by far the most honest and brilliant person in Washington.  A man that CANT BE BOUGHT!  Ron Paul is REAL Change!!  Back to the roots of the constitution!)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

This Weeks Notable News and Stuff

Feb 1, 2011

Click on The GREEN Headline For Full Story

Salary Triples For Goldman CEO Blankfein

 (US banking powerhouse Goldman Sachs said Friday it was more than tripling the salary of chief executive Lloyd Blankfein to $2 million in 2011 from $600,000 last year.
Last year Blankfein pulled in a bonus of $9 million.
Meanwhile new unemployment claims totaled 450,000 last week alone.)

 (Obama denounced Egypt for shutting down the Internet this week yet, he has no problem doing the same thing to you and me when WE decide we've had enough!)

Senator Schumer's 3 Branches Of Govt: House, Senate, & President

Legislative, Judicial , Executive
Legislative, Judicial , Executive
Legislative, Judicial , Executive
You Stupid CHODE!!!

FEMA Requests Information on the Availability of 140 Million Packets of Food, 140 Million Blankets, and Underwater Body Bags

  (FEMA is requesting availability of these items in conjunction with their nationwide "Drill" centered around the New Madrid Fault scheduled from now until May of 2001.
Remember 9-11 happened  during "Drills" for planes flying into buildings.)

Judge Napolitano : Revolution is Duty of the People

Bill Would Require All S.D. Citizens to Buy a Gun

(Crime would be non-existent...There would be nobody on the streets!)