Monday, January 24, 2011

This Weeks Notable News and Stuff

Jan. 24, 2011
Click on GREEN headline for full story

   (Elected officials at many levels of government, not just the federal government, swear an oath to "uphold and protect" the U.S. Constitution.   Now...if  YOU had to SWEAR an OATH to uphold and protect something, wouldn't you at least TRY to know as much as you could about what you're protecting?  Well guess what...elected officials tend to know even less about key provisions of the Constitution than the general public. These people are either really stupid or else really arrogant liars who could care less about OUR Constitution or our country.)

  (The 117th pamphlet of Ma’yanei Ha’yeshua’, published some three weeks ago, contains an unsigned editorial. It announces, to all it may concern, that in time we will have "death camps for Amalekites".(non-jews)
  Jewish law contains a mitzvh to wipe out Amalek, which is supposed to take place sometime at the end of days.)

  (South Korea's daily newspaper is reporting that what Western analysts have feared has happened: Chinese troops have been deployed into North Korea. The Chinese now have a presence in the rogue state for the first time in more than 15 years.  This is the result of U.S. fanning the flames of war in last months war drills with S.Korea in international waters just off the Chinese coast.  The U.S. wants WW III. China is just defending itself and it's ally from a U.S.government gone wild.)

(Check Out an 1895 8th grade final exam...Nobody would pass today! 
  This makes a STRONG statement of the complete success of the US Dept. Of  Education to DUMB DOWN the american people.)

 (In Germany, where the Zionist controlled American media ISN'T, only 9.2% of the people polled believe the fairy tale of the "Official 9-11 Conspiracy Theory".)

  ( It is a dubious milestone for the U.S. housing market. Home prices fell for the 53rd consecutive month in November, taking the decline past that of the Great Depression for the first time in the prolonged housing slump,  And I promise you... This "Greatest Depression" is only just beginning.)

Why Are Birds And Other Animals Dying Everywhere These Days?   And What Else Is Happening In the World That Cannot Be Explained??

When you hear all of the bullshit excuses given  for these anomalies, you may need to start thinking  outside the box to find the answers you need.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

This Weeks Untold News

Jan. 17, 2011
(Click on GREEN headline for full story)

Congress Quietly Prepares to Renew Patriot Act

  (While we were pre-occupied with the Arizona shooterRep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) introduced a little-noticed bill that intends to once again renew controversial provisions of the Bush administration's USA Patriot Act that are due to expire this year.  More years of lost liberty ahead) 

J.P.Morgan Profits Every Time Food Stamps are Used

(The number of people forced to use food stamps has Doubled in the past three years. Now we find out that J.P Morgan RUNS the food stamp racket??!!  Listen to Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert exposing the truth.)

The National Debt: Now Doubling Itself in Half the Time it Used To

(The debt now has a life of it's own and is not only growing but is growing at lightspeed. It's the nature of the beast and cannot be stopped anymore.)

Check Out the Veto Letter From Gov. Schwarzenegger To the State Legislature

(He's leaving office this year and I guess you're seeing his last words as Governor)

Silver Buyers Beware!! Reports of Lead 100 oz. Silver Bars

             Real                                                     Fake

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This Weeks Notable Headlines

January 10, 2011

Click on Green Headline For Full story

Obama Eyeing Internet ID for Americans

(When the internet is finally totally censored and controlled by big government, history will remember that it was taken away one little step at a time.) 


Number of Americans Forced to Use Food Stamps DOUBLES in Just 3 Years

  (From 26 million to 43 million in the last 3 years. And this is only the beginning. Welcome to the "Greatest Depression")

(The so called "Ememy" must be supermen.We burn so many bullets that we are now buying them from Israel. )

Big Tough San Francisco Policemen Shoot A Man In A Wheel Chair

  (Why didn't they just come up from behind him? These chodes must have some itty bitty penises.
Or else they were the little kids that were picked on in school and they're "gonna show those bullies whose boss"!   These useless assholes are breathing up good air a DOG could be breathing.)

 (As each state goes bankrupt, one by one, look for each state to raise YOUR taxes the same way. The middle class in America WILL be destroyed in this, "The Greatest Depression")

Arizona Shooter and Gabrielle Giffords Belong to Same Jewish Synagouge


(The The Zionist controlled mainstream media tried to say that the shooting was a hate crime against Jews.  They get  exposed for  the bullshit artists they are. I love it!)

Monday, January 3, 2011

This Weeks Notable News Headlines

Jan. 3, 2011
Click on Green Headlines for the Full Story
The Search for 9-11 Truth Grows

  You will never begin to understand what is wrong with our government until you accept the truth about 9-11...period.
  If you Google "911" you'll get about 1,560,000,000 results. That’s right – one billion, five hundred and sixty million results. A search for videos turns up 15,100,000 results.

Gulf Coast Activist Kindra Arnesen Warns BP Oil Disaster’s Effects Will ‘Go Global’

Dead Birds Fall From The Sky in Beebe, Arkansas

  When this happened a few years ago it was discovered that methane gas was released from a small earthquake on the "New Madrid Faultline" in Missouri. Birds are especially sensitive to methanes effects. Which is why birds are taken into mineshafts for advance warning to the presence of the deadly gas. In the 1800's, this faultline produced the two deadliest earthquakes in American history

Man Charged With Felony for Reading His Wife's e-mail

 He faces 5 years on a computer hacking charge even though he got the password from his wife. I'm all for privacy but perhaps this goes too far.

'US to Stay in Afghanistan Forever'

  Lindsey Graham, the Republican senator from South Carolina, told NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday that Republicans would push for indefinite US stay in Afghanistan in the years ahead. I think Lindsey Graham should go his ass to HELL! '
 We have been in Afghanistan for 10 years now !  And for what reason??

 On Monday Obama is set to sign the much needed bill that will provide 9/11 responders with the healthcare coverage they have fought so hard to get.
   If this does happen, it will be the FIRST and ONLY thing I've EVER seen this government do right. Fred Sanford  will be saying" Elizabeth!!  I'm Coming to see ya Honey!!"  But just remember all the first responders who died in the 10 years fighting for this morsel from an unwilling and uncaring government.

Obama's IQ Faces Another Challenge


  In 2006 the list contained just 71,000 names. USA Today indicates that over one million names have been added as of 2009.  Thats an increase of over 1000% over the last four years alone. At that  rate, everyone in the world will be considered a terrorist bt 2024.