Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This Weeks Notable Headlines

January 10, 2011

Click on Green Headline For Full story

Obama Eyeing Internet ID for Americans

(When the internet is finally totally censored and controlled by big government, history will remember that it was taken away one little step at a time.) 


Number of Americans Forced to Use Food Stamps DOUBLES in Just 3 Years

  (From 26 million to 43 million in the last 3 years. And this is only the beginning. Welcome to the "Greatest Depression")

(The so called "Ememy" must be supermen.We burn so many bullets that we are now buying them from Israel. )

Big Tough San Francisco Policemen Shoot A Man In A Wheel Chair

  (Why didn't they just come up from behind him? These chodes must have some itty bitty penises.
Or else they were the little kids that were picked on in school and they're "gonna show those bullies whose boss"!   These useless assholes are breathing up good air a DOG could be breathing.)

 (As each state goes bankrupt, one by one, look for each state to raise YOUR taxes the same way. The middle class in America WILL be destroyed in this, "The Greatest Depression")

Arizona Shooter and Gabrielle Giffords Belong to Same Jewish Synagouge


(The The Zionist controlled mainstream media tried to say that the shooting was a hate crime against Jews.  They get  exposed for  the bullshit artists they are. I love it!)

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