Thursday, April 28, 2011

I'm Not A So Called "Birther" But Lets Talk

   Obama finally released what he says is his true birth certificate. In his speech he gloats and smirks and says how silly the whole thing was. Now. I'm not and never was a person who questioned his birth certificate. But now, since I've seen it and done just a tiny bit of research, I wonder.

Here is the document:

   Two things bother me here.   First- Kenya is listed as Obama's father's nation of birth. But Kenya wasn't called Kenya in 1961. It was the British East Africa Protectorate. It did not become a republic until 1964  and was not Named "Kenya" until 1963.

   And second- In 1961, the hospital Obama was born in was NOT named the Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital. In 1961, the hospital Obama was born in was named the Kauaikeolani Children's Hospital. It did not change its name to the Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until it merged with the Kapiolani hospital system in 1978.

Uncle Coonie Says:

The person who made this birth certificate in 1961 must have been clairvoyant to see into the future like that...don't you agree?
I don't mean to nit-pick but can you see what i'm saying here?
Look it up yourself.
 What the F**k kind of stupid ass sh*t are these people trying to pull here? Is this their way of trying to distract Americans from the REAL issues facing our nation? 
Or are they trying to start a race war between the whites who say he's ineligible and the African Americans who see the whites as trying to remove their first Black president?
This is some fishy sh*t!
(Thanks to Mike Rivero of for the detective work)

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