Tuesday, May 10, 2011

US Closes Embassy, Consulates in Pakistan

  The United States on Tuesday closed its embassy and three consulates in Pakistan to the public until further notice, a day after Osama bin Laden was killed near the capital Islamabad.

"The US embassy in Islamabad and the consulates in Peshawar, Lahore and Karachi are closed for routine business to the general public until further notice," the embassy said.

Uncle Coonie says:

The last act of a country who is about to declare war is to close its embassy.
The US is accelerating the situation at the speed of light.
China has  already said that an attack on Pakistan is an attack on China.
And BOTH countries are nuclear armed.
All because the US says that Pakistan was housing a Non Exsistent Osama Bin Laden.

Now your ignorance of the truth and your belief in your beloved leaders is coming home to roost.

Is it obvious to you YET??

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