Sunday, June 19, 2011

Japan Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Suffers ANOTHER Explosive Release of Deadly Radiation!!

  This video shows a HUGE release of radiation from the damaged reactors core in which the fuel rods are  in FULL UNCONTROLLED MELTDOWN!!

  Highly radioactive steam is being shot into the atmosphere eclipsing the aerial monitors flying overhead.

  No major news outlet in the U.S. is reporting this worldwide catastophe.The radiation being released is FIFTY times the amount released by Chernobyl. And seems to only be growing worse by the hour.
  By not reporting this monumental story that effects each and every person in the WORLD, your government controlled media could very well be guilty of  conspiracy to commit mass murder .

WAKE UP PEOPLE and start looking into this YOURSELVES!!   
Your government and your beloved TV news shitheads have abandoned you!  You will NEVER get the truth from TV or newspapers!  If you want truth, you MUST seek it for yourselves.

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