Friday, December 24, 2010

This Weeks Notable Headlines

Click on Headline to See The  Full Story

Eco-bulbs 'a health hazard for babies and pregnant women due to mercury inside'

(If you know any babies, women or other human beings, Stock up on real bulbs while you still can.)

Study: Fluoridated Water Causes Brain Damage in Children

(Have you paid YOUR fllouridated water bill this month?  Better get on that!   Chop Chop!)

25 Thousand Soldiers Headed to Afghanistan in 2011

(More brave troops sent to die in an illegal, immoral war.  Raise yor hand if you can tell me exactly WHY!)

US Plans to Expand Raids in Pakistan

(Hey everybody!!!  Let's start World War III  !!   WEEEEE!!)

The Oil Slick BP Tried To Hide Has Been Discovered

(On the sea floor...killing the coral)

Blockbuster Will Close 180 Stores

(The Greatest  Depression marches on!)

Bank Of America Accused Of Breaking Into Woman's Home, Taking Husband's Ashes

(Un Flippin Believable!)

Congress passes bill to help save world's sharks

(Billions for sharks...Not DICK for the American people that are in dire need)

Bankers Vow to Quit if Bonus Payouts Are Curbed

( Remember Blazing Saddles?? "Don't move!!  Or The Ni**er Gets it!!")

South Korea to Hold Largest-Ever Live-Fire Drill

(This is nothing less than the U.S. provoking North Korea and China.  Hey everybody!!   Let's Start World War III !!)

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