Monday, January 3, 2011

This Weeks Notable News Headlines

Jan. 3, 2011
Click on Green Headlines for the Full Story
The Search for 9-11 Truth Grows

  You will never begin to understand what is wrong with our government until you accept the truth about 9-11...period.
  If you Google "911" you'll get about 1,560,000,000 results. That’s right – one billion, five hundred and sixty million results. A search for videos turns up 15,100,000 results.

Gulf Coast Activist Kindra Arnesen Warns BP Oil Disaster’s Effects Will ‘Go Global’

Dead Birds Fall From The Sky in Beebe, Arkansas

  When this happened a few years ago it was discovered that methane gas was released from a small earthquake on the "New Madrid Faultline" in Missouri. Birds are especially sensitive to methanes effects. Which is why birds are taken into mineshafts for advance warning to the presence of the deadly gas. In the 1800's, this faultline produced the two deadliest earthquakes in American history

Man Charged With Felony for Reading His Wife's e-mail

 He faces 5 years on a computer hacking charge even though he got the password from his wife. I'm all for privacy but perhaps this goes too far.

'US to Stay in Afghanistan Forever'

  Lindsey Graham, the Republican senator from South Carolina, told NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday that Republicans would push for indefinite US stay in Afghanistan in the years ahead. I think Lindsey Graham should go his ass to HELL! '
 We have been in Afghanistan for 10 years now !  And for what reason??

 On Monday Obama is set to sign the much needed bill that will provide 9/11 responders with the healthcare coverage they have fought so hard to get.
   If this does happen, it will be the FIRST and ONLY thing I've EVER seen this government do right. Fred Sanford  will be saying" Elizabeth!!  I'm Coming to see ya Honey!!"  But just remember all the first responders who died in the 10 years fighting for this morsel from an unwilling and uncaring government.

Obama's IQ Faces Another Challenge


  In 2006 the list contained just 71,000 names. USA Today indicates that over one million names have been added as of 2009.  Thats an increase of over 1000% over the last four years alone. At that  rate, everyone in the world will be considered a terrorist bt 2024.

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