Thursday, February 17, 2011

Afghan war costs $300 million a day: Pentagon

   The withdrawal of American troops from Iraq will allow for a reduced US defense budget in 2012 but the war in Afghanistan still costs the United States close to 300 million dollars a day.

  The budget for Afghanistan and Iraq includes $79.2 billion for operations, $10.1 billion to counter the threat posed by homemade bombs -- the main killer of NATO-led troops in the war.
  Some $11.9 billion is devoted to repairing and replacing equipment lost or damaged and $12.8 billion for training and arming Afghan security forces, who are supposed to gradually take over security duties between now and 2015.

Full Story HERE

*(Trillion$$  for Wall St.bankers and illegal wars and congress doesn't bat an eye.....
Brave soldiers who sacrifice everything blindly believing their country would never put them in harms way for the wrong reasons...
Children left orphans...Wives widowed...
I could see spending $300 million a day to KEEP these things from happening...
But our country is bankrupt and, im sorry but, our soldiers are just too damned important to me.
It's time people.  Time for this all to end!)

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