Wednesday, February 2, 2011

This Weeks Notable News and Stuff

Feb 1, 2011

Click on The GREEN Headline For Full Story

Salary Triples For Goldman CEO Blankfein

 (US banking powerhouse Goldman Sachs said Friday it was more than tripling the salary of chief executive Lloyd Blankfein to $2 million in 2011 from $600,000 last year.
Last year Blankfein pulled in a bonus of $9 million.
Meanwhile new unemployment claims totaled 450,000 last week alone.)

 (Obama denounced Egypt for shutting down the Internet this week yet, he has no problem doing the same thing to you and me when WE decide we've had enough!)

Senator Schumer's 3 Branches Of Govt: House, Senate, & President

Legislative, Judicial , Executive
Legislative, Judicial , Executive
Legislative, Judicial , Executive
You Stupid CHODE!!!

FEMA Requests Information on the Availability of 140 Million Packets of Food, 140 Million Blankets, and Underwater Body Bags

  (FEMA is requesting availability of these items in conjunction with their nationwide "Drill" centered around the New Madrid Fault scheduled from now until May of 2001.
Remember 9-11 happened  during "Drills" for planes flying into buildings.)

Judge Napolitano : Revolution is Duty of the People

Bill Would Require All S.D. Citizens to Buy a Gun

(Crime would be non-existent...There would be nobody on the streets!)

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