Tuesday, May 31, 2011

 "What do I think of Western civilization?
I think it would be a very good idea."

- Mohandas Gandhi

Fukushima Nuke Plant Now in Full Meltdown

The nuclear industry's worst nightmare is realized.

Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) officials confirmed today the months-long of suspicion that the Reactor No. 1 at Fukushima suffered a full meltdown.

  "There must be a large leak," Junichi Matsumoto, a general manager at the utility told a news conference.
"The fuel pellets likely melted and fell, and in the process may have damaged...the pressure vessel itself and created a hole," he added.

Read full story HERE

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

US Closes Embassy, Consulates in Pakistan

  The United States on Tuesday closed its embassy and three consulates in Pakistan to the public until further notice, a day after Osama bin Laden was killed near the capital Islamabad.

"The US embassy in Islamabad and the consulates in Peshawar, Lahore and Karachi are closed for routine business to the general public until further notice," the embassy said.

Uncle Coonie says:

The last act of a country who is about to declare war is to close its embassy.
The US is accelerating the situation at the speed of light.
China has  already said that an attack on Pakistan is an attack on China.
And BOTH countries are nuclear armed.
All because the US says that Pakistan was housing a Non Exsistent Osama Bin Laden.

Now your ignorance of the truth and your belief in your beloved leaders is coming home to roost.

Is it obvious to you YET??

Monday, May 9, 2011

Congress Turns Against Pakistan

   Congress expressed fury at Pakistan Tuesday for its role in housing Osama bin Laden for the past several years, as a wide range of powerful lawmakers are raising new questions about the billions in foreign aid the United States has spent propping up what many believe is an unreliable ally.

Uncle Coonie Says:

Everything is falling into place for a war with Pakistan. Now congress is doing the work that Israel has been paying them for.
Is it obvious to you yet??

Top US Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag (confirmed!)


Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under three different administrations  Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, a man who held numerous different influential positions under three different Presidents and still works with the Defense Department, shockingly told The Alex Jones Show yesterday that Osama Bin Laden died in 2001 and that he was prepared to testify in front of a grand jury how a top general told him directly that 9/11 was a false flag inside job.

“He died of marfan syndrome, Bush junior knew about it, the intelligence community knew about it,” said Pieczenik, noting how CIA physicians had visited Bin Laden in July 2001 at the American Hospital in Dubai.

 Dismissing the government’s account of the assassination of Bin Laden as a “sick joke” on the American people, Pieczenik said, “They are so desperate to make Obama viable, to negate the fact that he may not have been born here, any questions about his background, any irregularities about his background, to make him look assertive….to re-elect this president so the American public can be duped once again.”

 Uncle Coonie Says:

Some very important people know that Obama has gotten his orders  from Israel to start WWIII and are speaking out.  There ARE STILL  some good people still in government.God bless them!

A GALLERY OF FAKE OSAMAS! - Latest fake Osama picture making the rounds.


First they claim  this was OBL after we killed him. But this is an obvious Photoshop doctored pic.

Then they came out with this ridiculous sh*t

Osama's face  was inserted into a picture that was ripped from the movie "Blackhawk Down"!!

Un flippin believable!!

Here's the latest amateurish attempt to fool you

Any 10 year old that has the least bit of experience with Adobe Photoshop could do better than this!!

Uncle Coonie says:

The US wants to start a war with Pakistan and they are using the excuse that the Pakistanis were protecting Bin Laden.
Folks...It aint true!!
Bin Laden has been dead for 10 years.
That's why you can't see the body. Don't be idiots!!  The government is lying. And it's sooooooooo   obvious!!  A baby could see it. 
If we allow this country to start a war with Pakistan... China WILL step in and nothing will stop WWIII !!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Multimillionaire Rep. Danny Rehberg Tells People He's Struggling And Is Cash Poor

FLASHBACK Osama Has Life threatening Kidney Disease TEN YEARS AGO


Are you familiar with that ventriloquist puppet "Achmed the Dead Terrorist"?
Well that puppet doesn't live and breathe.
And since December of 2001  neither has Osama ...

  The crazy thing is that in FACT...There is as much evidence that proves Achmed is guilty of committing the 9/11 attacks as there is that Osama is guilty!!

Not a single shred of credible evidence.....PERIOD!

What... You Don't believe it??

  Here's Dick Cheney admitting  on a radio talk show that the United States NEVER EVER  had ONE SHRED  of evidence that Osama had ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to do with 9/11.

Uncle Coonie Says:

They told you the lie that he was guilty and you believed it. 
And now your going to believe THIS latest ridiculous "We killed the Boogeyman" fairy tale TOO?        
 I'd laugh if it weren't so pitiful. 
God, please  help us all!

White House Changes Osama bin Laden Account

On Monday evening, the White House had backed away from key details in its narrative about the raid, including claims by senior U.S. officials that bin Laden had a weapon and may have fired it during a gun battle with U.S. forces.

At a Pentagon briefing earlier Monday, a senior defense official also said bin Laden used his wife as a human shield so he could fire shots. “He was firing behind her,” the official said.
the White House retreated from these claims and said that  bin Laden’s wife  was not killed in the raid.

Uncle Coonie Says:
The moral of this story is...Lies  can change a million times but TRUTH remains constant.

  Every time you hear the story change, it's because someone has figured out part of the lie. This story WILL change a thousand times exactly the way the government's story about 9/11 is STILL changing ten years later.  WHY??  It's pretty obvious, isn't it??
If you believe ONE IOTA of this story...YOU DESERVE EVERY BIT OF TYRANNY AND SLAVERY  YOU GET!!  And I'm getting so damned tired of seeing Americans act as if they have ZERO brain cells in their heads!!