Monday, May 9, 2011

A GALLERY OF FAKE OSAMAS! - Latest fake Osama picture making the rounds.


First they claim  this was OBL after we killed him. But this is an obvious Photoshop doctored pic.

Then they came out with this ridiculous sh*t

Osama's face  was inserted into a picture that was ripped from the movie "Blackhawk Down"!!

Un flippin believable!!

Here's the latest amateurish attempt to fool you

Any 10 year old that has the least bit of experience with Adobe Photoshop could do better than this!!

Uncle Coonie says:

The US wants to start a war with Pakistan and they are using the excuse that the Pakistanis were protecting Bin Laden.
Folks...It aint true!!
Bin Laden has been dead for 10 years.
That's why you can't see the body. Don't be idiots!!  The government is lying. And it's sooooooooo   obvious!!  A baby could see it. 
If we allow this country to start a war with Pakistan... China WILL step in and nothing will stop WWIII !!!

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