Thursday, May 5, 2011

FLASHBACK Osama Has Life threatening Kidney Disease TEN YEARS AGO


Are you familiar with that ventriloquist puppet "Achmed the Dead Terrorist"?
Well that puppet doesn't live and breathe.
And since December of 2001  neither has Osama ...

  The crazy thing is that in FACT...There is as much evidence that proves Achmed is guilty of committing the 9/11 attacks as there is that Osama is guilty!!

Not a single shred of credible evidence.....PERIOD!

What... You Don't believe it??

  Here's Dick Cheney admitting  on a radio talk show that the United States NEVER EVER  had ONE SHRED  of evidence that Osama had ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to do with 9/11.

Uncle Coonie Says:

They told you the lie that he was guilty and you believed it. 
And now your going to believe THIS latest ridiculous "We killed the Boogeyman" fairy tale TOO?        
 I'd laugh if it weren't so pitiful. 
God, please  help us all!

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