Sunday, November 7, 2010

Army Reports Record Number of Suicides

   The Army's suicide rate is now double the national average. There were 162 suicides in Army ranks in 2009 - a record. Fort Hood has had a record 20 confirmed or suspected suicides this year, four in just one week in September.

 After returning from Iraq in 2006, Staff Sgt. Sarah Campbell Hester was looking forward to enjoying life, newly married to a soldier who had also just returned from war, reports CBS News correspondent Don Teague.
   "He was just funny, he was the ultimate prankster, very solid with the unit," Hester said.
But secretly her husband was a man in crisis, unable to readjust to life after war.
  "Iraq changed him, he came back kind of an angry man," Hester said.
  One month after their wedding, Richard Hester, 34, committed suicide.

Full Story   HERE

( I feel that our brave soldiers are feeling that the country that is supposed to honor them has thrown them under the bus  by sending them into an unjust war that has them on the WRONG SIDE of history. It must be so hard to know that you pledge your LIFE to this country and be so coldly  lied to. We...YES WE  should be ashamed of ourselves. We...YES WE should show these patriots our support by BRINGING THEM THE HELL HOME!!)

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