Friday, November 19, 2010

"Traitor Joe" Lieberman to Push for Iran War Resolution?

  Senator Joe Lieberman on Tuesday signaled that the incoming Congress may consider endorsing war with Iran.

  Speaking before the Foreign Policy Initiative, a neoconservative think tank formed by many of the chief architects of the Iraq war, Lieberman was questioned by accomplished war advocate Bill Kristol about how the new Congress will factor into Iran policy.
  Lieberman said that Congress would focus on pressing the Administration on sanctions, but also suggested Congress may decide to formally endorse military options against Iran.  According to Lieberman, Congress’ role should include “that we express what I believe is actually there in the Congress and I think it's there in the American people.  Nobody wants to use military force against Iran, but there is a base, a broad bipartisan base of support if the Commander in Chief comes to a point where he thinks that’s necessary.”  

(I've got a better idea for "Traitor Joe"..He and his whole f**king family can suit up and lead the charge!! If not, then He and his whole f**king family can pack up and MOVE to Israel...the country you LOVE so much.
Americans are sick and tired of sacrificing our finest and bankrupting OUR country for Israel's wars!!)

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