Friday, December 24, 2010

This Weeks Notable Headlines

Click on Headline to See The  Full Story

Eco-bulbs 'a health hazard for babies and pregnant women due to mercury inside'

(If you know any babies, women or other human beings, Stock up on real bulbs while you still can.)

Study: Fluoridated Water Causes Brain Damage in Children

(Have you paid YOUR fllouridated water bill this month?  Better get on that!   Chop Chop!)

25 Thousand Soldiers Headed to Afghanistan in 2011

(More brave troops sent to die in an illegal, immoral war.  Raise yor hand if you can tell me exactly WHY!)

US Plans to Expand Raids in Pakistan

(Hey everybody!!!  Let's start World War III  !!   WEEEEE!!)

The Oil Slick BP Tried To Hide Has Been Discovered

(On the sea floor...killing the coral)

Blockbuster Will Close 180 Stores

(The Greatest  Depression marches on!)

Bank Of America Accused Of Breaking Into Woman's Home, Taking Husband's Ashes

(Un Flippin Believable!)

Congress passes bill to help save world's sharks

(Billions for sharks...Not DICK for the American people that are in dire need)

Bankers Vow to Quit if Bonus Payouts Are Curbed

( Remember Blazing Saddles?? "Don't move!!  Or The Ni**er Gets it!!")

South Korea to Hold Largest-Ever Live-Fire Drill

(This is nothing less than the U.S. provoking North Korea and China.  Hey everybody!!   Let's Start World War III !!)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

"Traitor" Joe Lieberman Insisting No Evidence of a Third Building Collapsing on 9-11

(Can you believe the nerve of this Chode??   Does he think you are all blind or just idiots??
   This sub-human should be strung up by the nads and dropped from 47 stories up.  the same height as WTC building 7.)

(Starts at 1:33)

The Mills Brothers - How'm I Doin', Hey, Hey

The Internet Works With Near Perfection Without Any Government Involvement Whatsoever!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Global Warming is B.S.!! With a capital "S"

A (Not Quite) Complete List Of Things Supposedly Caused By Global Warming Click HERE

  (Click on each item to see the reasons for making the list.
  If you still believe in Global Warming after seeing this...You're just plain Goofy!)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Helen Thomas: Zionists Own Congress, The White House, Hollywood, & Wall St.

  Helen Thomas, the long-time White House correspondent who was forced to apologize and retire last spring after making comments about Israel and Jews, stood by those remarks yesterday at an event in Dearborn, Michigan -- and then made even more fiery statements.

 "Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street are owned by the Zionists," Thomas said during her remarks at an Arab-American workshop, according to The Detroit News. "No question."

  Before she spoke, Thomas told reporters that her comments in June, when she said Jews in Israel should "go home," were "the truth."

"I stand by it. I told the truth," Thomas said. "I paid a price but it's worth it to speak the truth."

Asked by The Detroit Free Press how she'd respond to people who say she's anti-Semitic, Thomas responded: "I'd say I'm a Semite. What are you talking about?"

(This woman was the first female officer of the National Press Club and the first female member and president of the White House Correspondents' Association. She was a member of the White House Press Corps for 57 years. When she says someting like "Zioninst own  Washington DC."...  You'd better believe she knows exactly what the  "F" she's talking about.)
  In this video of Obama's first press conference, she asks the President the absolute hands down, without a doubt, number one question on Obama's "Don't you DARE  Ask Me This" list. She says "I was testing his credibility".  She, along with all Americans found out just how incredibly little credibility the loser has.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


This is a VERY inciteful video.   Provides the most important questions you need to ask yourselves today.

4:00 minutes

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Homeland Security Is Seizing Internet Domains Left And Right

  The Department of Homeland Security's ICE has launched a major crackdown on websites enabling copyright infringement. In just the past few days ICE has seized at least 12 domains, TorrentFreak reports.

All of these domains now display the image shown here.

  The sites fall into two categories: torrent sites that enable the download of copyrighted music, and sites selling knockoffs of trademarked goods like designer handbags.

( What does the Department Of Homeland Security have to do with  someone downloading music from the internet? I'll tell you what...NOTHING!  This has nothing to do with online piracy and EVERYTHING to do with  internet censorship. Homeland Security  doesn't give a sh*t about piracy sites  but they are SCARED TO  DEATH of sites like this one and many others that tell the truth! Today...torrent sites,Tomorrow...your voice,eyes, and ears to the rest of the world. They know that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!! And POWER is something they cannot afford for you to have!)

Obama Added More to National Debt in First 19 Months Than All Presidents from Washington Through Reagan Combined, Says Gov’t Data


  In the first 19 months of the Obama administration, the federal debt held by the public increased by $2.5260 trillion, which is more than the cumulative total of the national debt held by the public that was amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan.

  At the end of fiscal year 1989, which ended eight months after President Reagan left office, the total federal debt held by the public was $2.1907 trillion, according to the Congressional Budget Office. That means all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan had accumulated only that much publicly held debt on behalf of American taxpayers. That is $335.3  billion less than the $2.5260 trillion that was added to the federal debt held by the public just between Jan. 20, 2009, when President Obama was inaugurated, and Aug. 20, 2010, the 19-month anniversary of Obama's inauguration.

(When the US finally breathes it's last breath, the cause of death will be  DEBT. And the debt WILL be collected by the Federal Reserve by totally enslaving YOU and your children and your childrens' children in the most brutal way. It doesn't matter whether you BELIEVE that or not. Your "Beliefs" will never change that which is the truth.)

Eisenhower warns of the rise of the military industrial complex