Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Homeland Security Is Seizing Internet Domains Left And Right

  The Department of Homeland Security's ICE has launched a major crackdown on websites enabling copyright infringement. In just the past few days ICE has seized at least 12 domains, TorrentFreak reports.

All of these domains now display the image shown here.

  The sites fall into two categories: torrent sites that enable the download of copyrighted music, and sites selling knockoffs of trademarked goods like designer handbags.

( What does the Department Of Homeland Security have to do with  someone downloading music from the internet? I'll tell you what...NOTHING!  This has nothing to do with online piracy and EVERYTHING to do with  internet censorship. Homeland Security  doesn't give a sh*t about piracy sites  but they are SCARED TO  DEATH of sites like this one and many others that tell the truth! Today...torrent sites,Tomorrow...your voice,eyes, and ears to the rest of the world. They know that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!! And POWER is something they cannot afford for you to have!)

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