Sunday, December 5, 2010

Helen Thomas: Zionists Own Congress, The White House, Hollywood, & Wall St.

  Helen Thomas, the long-time White House correspondent who was forced to apologize and retire last spring after making comments about Israel and Jews, stood by those remarks yesterday at an event in Dearborn, Michigan -- and then made even more fiery statements.

 "Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street are owned by the Zionists," Thomas said during her remarks at an Arab-American workshop, according to The Detroit News. "No question."

  Before she spoke, Thomas told reporters that her comments in June, when she said Jews in Israel should "go home," were "the truth."

"I stand by it. I told the truth," Thomas said. "I paid a price but it's worth it to speak the truth."

Asked by The Detroit Free Press how she'd respond to people who say she's anti-Semitic, Thomas responded: "I'd say I'm a Semite. What are you talking about?"

(This woman was the first female officer of the National Press Club and the first female member and president of the White House Correspondents' Association. She was a member of the White House Press Corps for 57 years. When she says someting like "Zioninst own  Washington DC."...  You'd better believe she knows exactly what the  "F" she's talking about.)
  In this video of Obama's first press conference, she asks the President the absolute hands down, without a doubt, number one question on Obama's "Don't you DARE  Ask Me This" list. She says "I was testing his credibility".  She, along with all Americans found out just how incredibly little credibility the loser has.

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