Friday, March 25, 2011

In 2010 : 600,000 New Millionaires --- 5,000,000 New Food Stamp Users.



 The number of millionaire households jumped to 8.4 million in 2010 increasing by 600,000 last year. 
  Now to contrast this rise in millionaires in 2010 we added 5,000,000 Americans to the national food stamp program.

Uncle Coonie asks:
Does this look like a recovery to you?

(More and more Americans keep getting added to the food stamp program.  All the while those in the millionaire ranks continue to grow. You are looking at Obama's "Redistribution of Wealth". You can believe that this trend will continue until we are bled completely dry.) 

Obama Lies and Says His Father Served in World War II

Uncle Coonie says:
Obama's  father AND stepfather were both children during WWII.

Obama Lies About Where He Met His Wife

Uncle Coonie says:
He met Michelle working at a law firm.

Obama LIES about Ending War (2007)

Uncle Coonie says:
This guys pants must be an INFERNO!

CIA Terrorist Escapes Pakistan

 Raymond Davis, an ex-US Special Forces soldier, former Blackwater gunman, and now CIA “contractor”  was jailed in Pakistan after shooting dead two Pakistanis, who were either robbers or government security agents. A third Pakistani was killed by a car driven by a CIA rescuer racing up a one-way street the wrong way. At the time of his arrest, he was carrying evidence showing that he was providing the Pakistani Taliban with nuclear "dirty bomb"materials and chemical weapons.

  After weeks of intense negotiations over US claims that Davis had diplomatic cover, some $2.3 million or more “diyaa,” or blood money, was paid to the grieving families of Davis’ victims and the CIA’s man in Islamabad was quickly rushed out of Pakistan to a US base in Afghanistan.
  US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who has become as adept at bending the truth as her hubby Bill, stoutly denied Washington had paid any money to get Davis released.

Uncle Coonie Says:
And so the U.S. government keeps the story of their TERRORISM secret. (or so they think)
When terrorists finally set off a dirty bomb or chemical weapons HERE in the U.S. against YOU and ME, or somewhere else in the world, you WILL know where these weapons came from. YOUR BELOVED GOVERNMENT!!

Obama: No U.S. Forces on the Ground in Libya… Except For Those Guys.

  President Obama said Wednesday it was ‘absolutely’ out of the question that U.S. ground forces would be used in Libya.

There are about 2,200 Marines off the shore of Libya right now.

Uncle Coonie says:

 What a lying CHODE !!

Federal Reserve Reports Household Wealth Down 23% in 2 years

The average American family's household net worth declined 23% between 2007 and 2009, the Federal Reserve said Thursday.

Read Full Story HERE

( The takedown of the middle class is in full swing. The United States of America is becoming a communist country at the speed of sound. Step by step...inch by inch.
One day, if you ever open your eyes, you will awake to a country that no longer belongs to you. It doesn't matter if you believe that or not.  Your beliefs will never change that which is the truth.)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Economic Hitmen

  A great illustration on how corporations take control of countries, and how capitalism drives the expansion of the Military Industrial Complex. Narrated by John Perkins author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man"

Supreme Court Prohibits Lawsuits For Vaccine Side Effects

   In a 6-2 decision, the Supreme Court voted to protect pharmaceutical companies from liability when their vaccines cause debilitating injuries and death.
The Court is telling parents that they're on their own.

( The government claims to have the right to FORCE you to get vaccinated , yet you can't sue Big Pharma if it kills you or causes autism in your kids. And check out the smug, so called "expert" bitch in this video...saying exactly what she's told with no care at all for the potentially thousands of children harmed by these drugs.) 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

"CIA Spy" Davis Was Giving Nuclear Bomb Material to Al-Qaeda, Says Report

                ABSOLUTE MUST READ!!!

   On January 27, In broad day light, an alleged American security official, Raymond Davis was found wandering around on the busy roads of Lahore in a private car. Besides carrying arms Raymond was also found carrying wireless phones and other devices. Making the best use of his weapons, Raymond opened fire at two alleged robbers. Not just that, as he could not flee from the scene, a 4WD vehicle arrived and tried to rescue Raymond from the mob that started to gather there. The vehicle ran over a motorcycle and a rickshaw, thus killing another person and injured several citizens.
At the time of his arrest, he was  found in possession of top-secret CIA documents, which point to him providing Al-Qaeda terrorists with "nuclear fissile material" and "biological agents. 
Click HERE for Full Story

(This confirmed CIA asset was caught red handed giving nuclear bomb material and biological weapons to known terrorists in Pakistan. Also, on the day following the shootings, the wife of one of the men killed allegedly poisoned herself. On her deathbed, she gave info confirming the allegations against Davis.
  The US  government kills thousands of Americans and millions of innocent Muslims in the bogus "War on terrorism" but at the same time GIVES the so called "enemy"  a nuclear bomb and bio weapons to use against YOU and ME.
And when they use these weapons against us in our country, it will be the excuse they need to lock us down and take our liberty once and for all.)

And we wonder WHY the muslim world hates America...