Sunday, March 6, 2011

"CIA Spy" Davis Was Giving Nuclear Bomb Material to Al-Qaeda, Says Report

                ABSOLUTE MUST READ!!!

   On January 27, In broad day light, an alleged American security official, Raymond Davis was found wandering around on the busy roads of Lahore in a private car. Besides carrying arms Raymond was also found carrying wireless phones and other devices. Making the best use of his weapons, Raymond opened fire at two alleged robbers. Not just that, as he could not flee from the scene, a 4WD vehicle arrived and tried to rescue Raymond from the mob that started to gather there. The vehicle ran over a motorcycle and a rickshaw, thus killing another person and injured several citizens.
At the time of his arrest, he was  found in possession of top-secret CIA documents, which point to him providing Al-Qaeda terrorists with "nuclear fissile material" and "biological agents. 
Click HERE for Full Story

(This confirmed CIA asset was caught red handed giving nuclear bomb material and biological weapons to known terrorists in Pakistan. Also, on the day following the shootings, the wife of one of the men killed allegedly poisoned herself. On her deathbed, she gave info confirming the allegations against Davis.
  The US  government kills thousands of Americans and millions of innocent Muslims in the bogus "War on terrorism" but at the same time GIVES the so called "enemy"  a nuclear bomb and bio weapons to use against YOU and ME.
And when they use these weapons against us in our country, it will be the excuse they need to lock us down and take our liberty once and for all.)

And we wonder WHY the muslim world hates America...

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