Friday, March 25, 2011

CIA Terrorist Escapes Pakistan

 Raymond Davis, an ex-US Special Forces soldier, former Blackwater gunman, and now CIA “contractor”  was jailed in Pakistan after shooting dead two Pakistanis, who were either robbers or government security agents. A third Pakistani was killed by a car driven by a CIA rescuer racing up a one-way street the wrong way. At the time of his arrest, he was carrying evidence showing that he was providing the Pakistani Taliban with nuclear "dirty bomb"materials and chemical weapons.

  After weeks of intense negotiations over US claims that Davis had diplomatic cover, some $2.3 million or more “diyaa,” or blood money, was paid to the grieving families of Davis’ victims and the CIA’s man in Islamabad was quickly rushed out of Pakistan to a US base in Afghanistan.
  US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who has become as adept at bending the truth as her hubby Bill, stoutly denied Washington had paid any money to get Davis released.

Uncle Coonie Says:
And so the U.S. government keeps the story of their TERRORISM secret. (or so they think)
When terrorists finally set off a dirty bomb or chemical weapons HERE in the U.S. against YOU and ME, or somewhere else in the world, you WILL know where these weapons came from. YOUR BELOVED GOVERNMENT!!

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