Monday, January 24, 2011

This Weeks Notable News and Stuff

Jan. 24, 2011
Click on GREEN headline for full story

   (Elected officials at many levels of government, not just the federal government, swear an oath to "uphold and protect" the U.S. Constitution.   Now...if  YOU had to SWEAR an OATH to uphold and protect something, wouldn't you at least TRY to know as much as you could about what you're protecting?  Well guess what...elected officials tend to know even less about key provisions of the Constitution than the general public. These people are either really stupid or else really arrogant liars who could care less about OUR Constitution or our country.)

  (The 117th pamphlet of Ma’yanei Ha’yeshua’, published some three weeks ago, contains an unsigned editorial. It announces, to all it may concern, that in time we will have "death camps for Amalekites".(non-jews)
  Jewish law contains a mitzvh to wipe out Amalek, which is supposed to take place sometime at the end of days.)

  (South Korea's daily newspaper is reporting that what Western analysts have feared has happened: Chinese troops have been deployed into North Korea. The Chinese now have a presence in the rogue state for the first time in more than 15 years.  This is the result of U.S. fanning the flames of war in last months war drills with S.Korea in international waters just off the Chinese coast.  The U.S. wants WW III. China is just defending itself and it's ally from a U.S.government gone wild.)

(Check Out an 1895 8th grade final exam...Nobody would pass today! 
  This makes a STRONG statement of the complete success of the US Dept. Of  Education to DUMB DOWN the american people.)

 (In Germany, where the Zionist controlled American media ISN'T, only 9.2% of the people polled believe the fairy tale of the "Official 9-11 Conspiracy Theory".)

  ( It is a dubious milestone for the U.S. housing market. Home prices fell for the 53rd consecutive month in November, taking the decline past that of the Great Depression for the first time in the prolonged housing slump,  And I promise you... This "Greatest Depression" is only just beginning.)

Why Are Birds And Other Animals Dying Everywhere These Days?   And What Else Is Happening In the World That Cannot Be Explained??

When you hear all of the bullshit excuses given  for these anomalies, you may need to start thinking  outside the box to find the answers you need.

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