Thursday, September 30, 2010

Obama Accuses GOP of Being Dishonest With Americans

   Arguing doggedly against returning Republicans to power, President Obama told Iowa voters Wednesday that the GOP has been dishonest about what needs to be done to revive the economy and restore middle-class dreams. 
   "We can't pretend that there are shortcuts," the president said, addressing about 70 voters in a grassy backyard.   "When you look at the choice we face in this election coming up," Obama said, "the other side, what it's really offering is the same policies that from 2001 to 2009 put off hard problems and didn't really speak honestly to the American people about how we're gonna get this country on track over the long term."
Click Here For Full Story

(Man!!...The Hypocrisy gauge has just absolutely blown completely off of the Bulls**t tank and has been launched into orbit!! This lying chode calling ANYONE dishonest is a total RIOT!!  Words cant even describe the situation so we'll just let the picture tell a thousand words.)
(Give or take a few)  


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