Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Obama Says His Father Served in World War II

   I just watched a You Tube video (with the same title ) and damned if he didn’t say those exact words! 
Not only is he a bald faced liar, he’s a terrible bald faced liar!!

   Barack Hussein Obama Sr. (Obama's father) Born 4/4/36   Died 11/24/82 at the age of  46.
He was 5 years old when WW II started, and less than 9.5 years old when it ended!

  Lolo Soetoro (Obama's step father) Born 1935 Died 3/2/87 at the age of 52.
He was 6 years old when WW 2 started, and 10 years old when it ended!

(In the video, he talks about a “solemn pact” we have with our veterans and then he doesn’t even take a breath before lying straight to their faces. Man!!...This chode is a world class piece of garbage! )

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