Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Times Ain’t Like They Used To Be And I’m Damn Glad Of it

This generation doesn’t realize how lucky we are to be alive at this point in time. If we had lived in our grandparent’s time, just think of all the wonderful things we would have missed being a part of creating:

No ruthless corporations with private armies destroying everything for their protection and profits.

No drones to lay out hellfire missiles from inside the air-conditioned offices on the other side of the globe.

No free speech zones or threatening martial law while shoveling money to international banking cartels.

No HAARP, No Chem-trails, No Katrina, No tazers, no rubber bullets

No Ruby Ridge or Waco style murders and gun confiscations

No Genetically Modified Frankenisms doubling as food, with pigs glowing in the dark or barking goats

No women marrying women while men with racks are waiting for special bathrooms to be made for them.

No multinational, multilingual, multidimensional, multifunctional, multitasking

No imaginary dead terrorists hooked to dialysis machines who stick their heads out of a cave just long enough to give countries a reason to start another war

No new vaccines that cause worse sickness than the disease they were created for.

No “push one for English” techno-dweebs with weird ass flashing gadgets hooked to their heads praying to be the next lucky lab-rat to get the coveted cyborg implant

No obese fat ladies and tattooed women that have escaped from the circus running amok through the Wal Marts and strip malls of the land saying “Damn my knees are killing me and I don't know if I can make it where the hell is that electric cart?"
No High Fructose Corn Syrup poison washed down with a Big Gulp of Diet Coke made with fluoridated water.

No seeing someone on the street and not knowing what you have in front of you as it is maybe male or female but they are both 600+ pounds and look pretty much the same

Now, who in their right would want to have missed all that? Or miss what might be next for our children?
Yep, they say that Times ain’t like they used to be…I say I’m damn glad of it

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