Thursday, October 7, 2010

How Much is One Trillion Dollars ?

   In todays world of bank bailouts and multiple wars, it's common place to hear the words "Trillions of Dollars" thrown about as if it were a normal, rational concept. But when one begins to understand the difference  between millions, billions, and trillions, one has to wonder how we went from billions to trillions in such a short span. It took about 200 years to reach a federal budget in the multi billions. But just a matter of two or three years into this decade to reach a trillion.

How much is a Trillion?
Let's try to get our heads around it.

                            This is Ten Thousand Dollars

                             This is One Hundred Thousand Dollars
                                One Hundred Thousand Seconds= 1.57 days

                                      This is One Million Dollars

                                     One Million Seconds= 12 days
                          One Million Hours Ago Was The Year 1885

                                     This is One Billion Dollars

                                       One Billion Seconds = 31.7 Years
                             A billion minutes Ago Was The time Of Christ
                   A Billion Hours Ago Man Had Not Yet Walked On Earth
A Billion Dollars Ago Was Late Yesterday Afternoon For The US Treasury

                                  This Is One Trillion Dollars

                                One Trillion Seconds = 31,688 Years
                     One Trillion Seconds Ago Cave Men Walked The Earth
         10 Million Dollars A Day For 273 Years To Spend A Trillion Dollars

  (The US national debt is roughly 14 Trillion dollars now. Owed mostly to a criminal cabal known as The Federal Reserve.
100% of this debt money was created by simply typing the figures onto a balance sheet and never cost the Federal Reserve one thin dime to create. It was created out of thin air.

The US government used this money to bailout the banks that are causing the financial depression as well as to finance the illegal wars that our brave soldiers are dying in as we speak.

Imagine what that money could have done for the suffering people of the US in this terrible man made depression.

    Instead, it is being given to corrupt bankers on Wall Street, wasted on war profiteers feasting on the corpses of our brave soldiers, and being looted by a government gone wild bent on starting world war III

   My fellow Americans, there are now only two ways to take our government back from these evil lunatics.

Ballots or Bullets.

   We MUST try and vote out almost every incumbent in office now and try and stay away from the "Republicrats" and the newly hijacked Tea party. Choose the candidates by the content of their character and not by what you know of them from TV. Remember, the ones who have the most TV advertisements are the ones who have taken the most money from special interest.
Choose to vote them all out!

Because the second choice is unthinkable.)

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