Sunday, October 17, 2010

Obama Supporters Defecting to GOP, Poll Shows

   President Obama's winning coalition from 2008 has crumbled and his core backers are dispirited. It's now Republicans who stand to benefit from an electorate that's again craving change.
     Nearly two years after putting Obama in the White House, one-quarter of those who voted for the Democrat are defecting to the GOP or considering voting against the party in power this fall. Just half of them say they definitely will show up Nov. 2, according to an Associated Press-Knowledge Networks poll released two weeks before Obama's first midterm elections.
     Yet in a reflection of broad dissatisfaction with politics, just as many people who backed Republican presidential nominee John McCain are either supporting Democrats now or still considering how to vote.

(When will people learn that there are two parties to give you the IMPRESSION you have a choice. YOU DON'T!  YOU DON'T!!!!!    There aint a dimes worth  of difference between  Republicans and Democrats. You are just a bunch of mice who scurry  back and forth from cat to cat.
 It's like having a choice between being hanged or being drowned.)

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