Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Trust in Media Collapses


       It’s fascinating to look at the long-term trend of public regard for the media establishment. In the days of Watergate, three channels, the Cold War, and Walter Cronkite, 75%  said the media was trustworthy and only 25%  said it was untrustworthy. Today, fully 57% say that major media is spouting baloney while only 43% are still to trust and obey. This is a major way in which the world has changed since the Internet.

(People are finally waking up and smelling the truth. But the disinfo isn't just in news reporting, it's in almost every single second of broadcast TV. Most people base their sense of reality on what they see on TV. Let's get something straight, you will NEVER obtain a  true grasp of the world around you until  you  turn off the poison that is blurring your ability to see the truth.).

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