Thursday, September 30, 2010

Nancy Pelosi is The Wicked Witch!! Priceless!!!

     This is the campaign commercial for John Dennis (D) in his Congressional race against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (R) in California. This is a hilarious stroke of genius! The writer should get an Emmy!


    A vivid pictorial exhibition which shows the difference between Germany under Nazi rule in 1940 an Isreal under Zionist rule in 2009.    (warning the graphic nature of this pictorial may be an eye opening experience. View with intelligence.)

Click :

   GERMANY 1940 ISRAEL 2009

Obama Accuses GOP of Being Dishonest With Americans

   Arguing doggedly against returning Republicans to power, President Obama told Iowa voters Wednesday that the GOP has been dishonest about what needs to be done to revive the economy and restore middle-class dreams. 
   "We can't pretend that there are shortcuts," the president said, addressing about 70 voters in a grassy backyard.   "When you look at the choice we face in this election coming up," Obama said, "the other side, what it's really offering is the same policies that from 2001 to 2009 put off hard problems and didn't really speak honestly to the American people about how we're gonna get this country on track over the long term."
Click Here For Full Story

(Man!!...The Hypocrisy gauge has just absolutely blown completely off of the Bulls**t tank and has been launched into orbit!! This lying chode calling ANYONE dishonest is a total RIOT!!  Words cant even describe the situation so we'll just let the picture tell a thousand words.)
(Give or take a few)  


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Van-Mounted Body Scanners Coming To a Street Near You!!

(Forbes)  US law enforcement agencies are among the customers of a Massachusetts-based company that is selling full-body scanners to be mounted inside vans and used on streets, says a report from Forbes. US law enforcement agencies have bought the machines "to search for vehicle-based bombs".

(These are actual photos of a mobile home taken with this new x-ray scanner from inside a van passing on the street. You can see right into the home with remarkable clarity. The government will claim that these vans will only be used to detect bombs in cars. But ask yourselves… do you trust the government to limit the use of this technology to car bombs?
Are there enough bombs in the world for you to allow the government to see inside your private home like this?
And don’t give me this "If I’m doing nothing wrong I’ve got nothing to hide." BULL CRAP!
That attitude is simply a Cop-out from someone that doesn't want to admit he's a coward who is too scared to stand up for his rights! If you feel that way, move your butt to RUSSIA with the rest of the brain dead prisoners.
 You have the right to privacy within your home. Allowing that right to be infringed anywhere is a threat to freedom EVERYWHERE!
There is absolutely NO REASON police should have this capability. PERIOD!)

Health Care Bill Mandates 3.8% Tax on Real Estate Sales After November 2012

   Under the new health care bill - did you know that all real estate transactions will be subject to a 3.8% Sales Tax? The bulk of these new taxes don't kick in until 2013 (presumably after Obama's re-election). You can thank Nancy, Harry and Barack and your local Democratic Congressman for this one. If you sell your $400,000 home, there will be a $15,200 tax. This bill is set to screw the retiring generation who often downsize their homes. Is this Hope & Change great or what? Does this stuff make your November and 2012 votes more important?
Oh, you weren't aware this was in the Obamacare bill? Guess what, you aren't alone. There are more than a few members of Congress that aren't aware of it either (result of clandestine midnight voting for huge bills they've never read). AND, there are a few other surprises lurking.

(This so called "Heath Care Bill" will continue to reveal itself for what it is... Or should I say What it ISN'T...a health care bill. It's easier to find things like this than things about heath care... trust me...I read it... It's not good.)

A Few Quotes From People Worth Listening To

Benjamin Franklin

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Mahatma Gandhi

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

You must be the change you want to see in the world

Mark Twain

A lie can travel halfway around the world while the
truth is putting on its shoes

Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't

Thomas Jefferson

The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.

We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends

Benjamin Disraeli

The more extensive a man's knowledge of what has been done, the greater will be his power of knowing what to do.

Ayn Rand
The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it.

Daniel Webster

God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it

George Orwell
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act
To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle.
The Holy Bible

Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32

A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation. Isaiah lx. 22.

Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians vi. 7.

Ask, and it shall be given you; Seek, and ye shall find; Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.  Matthew 7:7

Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. Matthew x. 16.

Feds Spent $800,000 of Economic Stimulus on African Genital-Washing Program

(CNS News.) The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), spent $823,200 of economic stimulus funds in 2009 on a study by a UCLA research team to teach uncircumcised African men how to wash their genitals after having sex. NIH Announces the Availability of Recovery Act Funds for Competitive Revision Applications," the grant abstract states. "We propose to evaluate the feasibility of a post-coital genital hygiene study among men unwilling to be circumcised in Orange Farm, South Africa."

Read Full Story Here

( This is about as unflippin believable as it gets! I've got a better way to spend that money...Use it for a study on how to wash a few hundred DICKS out of Washington DC. !!)

Resolution S 510 Is a Snake Waiting to Strike

    House Resolution HR 875 and Senate Resolution S 510, otherwise known as "The Food Safety Modernization Act", may be the most dangerous bills in the history of the US. "If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. Monsanto says it has no interest in the bill and would not benefit from it, but if it passes. S 510 would give Monsanto unlimited power over all US seed, food supplements, food and farming.
  HR 875 mandates that anyone who produces food of any kind – meat, milk, fruit, vegetables et cetera –   and transports that food for sale be subject to warrant less government inspections of their farms and food production records.   These random inspections can be conducted at the whim of federal agents without regard to farmers rights or property rights.   Further, the law would allow federal agents to confiscate records, product as they see fit as part of the inspection process.
  This law would affect every farmer or food producer who must transport his goods to sell them – in effect, every single farmer.   That means that an orchard that sells fresh fruit at a roadside stand would be affected; a farmer who delivers CSA boxes would be affected, even a home gardener who brings excess harvest to a farmers market’s community booth would have to register or be subject to $1,000,000 fines and that garden plot would be subject to inspection by federal agents.   Ridiculous, isn’t it?   But it’s true. Contact your Representative today and let them know we can't allow this dangerous precedent to be set.
Read Full Story Here
Read the text of the bill here 

(While we were preoccupied with the 9-11 mosque and Koran burnings, we should have been watching what our congress was doing. This bill will essentially turn over all control of our food supply to big government to the delight of the United Nations. The nations small farmers will be regulated out of business and YOU will be considered a criminal for growing, selling, or even GIVING away homegrown food!! Don’t think that’s possible? Read the bill. I did! And it’s in there.)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Soldier Homecoming Surprises

   Watch this video and then imagine the families that aren't lucky enough to hug their loved ones ever again.
We need to bring them ALL home now!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Second Greatest Inventor of the Century: Stanley Meyer

  Ask anyone who knows anything about science who is the greatest inventor of all time, and every single one will tell you, Nikola Tesla. There is not a single person in the civilized world who hasn't benefitted from his work yet, it may be possible that you've never heard of him. Most of Tesla's inventions were revolutionary and beneficial to mankind. The kind of inventions that could  free humanity from corporate and government enslavement. Inventions such as free worldwide electricity with no wires, outlets, or meters. As you could imagine, Tesla had some powerful forces working against inventions like these. Still, Tesla's first concern was the benefit of the human race.
   Now, ask the same people about Stanley Meyer, and they resemble a dog that has just heard a high pitched noise. Yet this simple man, working out of his own garage has to be on par with Tesla. In his ingenuity as well as his love for humanity. Stan Meyer invented a simple device that could make any car run on pure tap water. No gas, no oil. The fuel was hydrogen and oxygen extracted from water (H2o).  On board electrolysis, no hydrogen tanks, no bombs on-board, just water. (1998) He had patents on his invention and was ready for production. Only $1,500 to equip your car!Stanley said he was offered a billion dollars from an Arab to basically shelf his idea. Stan said, "no, this technology is for the people." Stan said while he was alive, that he was threatened many times and would not sell out to Arab Oil Corp.s The Military was going to use this technology in their tanks, jeeps, etc. The videos below show Stan Meyer's Dune Buggy that ran on water.It ran 100 miles per gallon! AND, the exhaust was pure oxygen. ZERO pollution PERIOD!
   Stan Meyer died in the parking lot of a restaurant in his home town of Grove City, Ohio in the arms of his brother, Steve claiming that he had been poisoned. Sharks came a week later and stole the the dune buggy and all of his experimental equipment, according to his brother.
    So what is happening with Stan's Great Invention of the 20th Century!! Absolutely nothing. Are they manufacturing his invention. NO, Why not? because it would solve all the world's problems today. But before Stan died he told his brother to give the world his invention. If you would like to have ALL of Stans' writings , drawings, and specifications you can download them  HERE. That's correct. Every bit of information needed to easily build your own simple device that will turn you car into a Water Fueled Vehicle for a minimal cost. Don't believe it? Watch the following videos and do your own research on the second greatest inventor of the century: Stanley Meyer.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Most Awesome Congressman in The Last 50 Years: Jim Traficant

On The Anniversary of 9-11 A Few Thoughts

   This interesting video takes a look at the culpability of some of the people who were responsible for preventing an attack such as 9/11. Clear your mind of any prejudice or opinions you may have and take an honest look at what you have been told versus what the real truth is.

9-11 Comission Report: No Secondary Explosions That Day

    According  to the "Oficial Conspiracy Theory"contained in the 9-11 Comission Report, there was "no evidence of "explosions" at all in any of the buildings."

( How in the HELL can they say that??  When millions of people watching the newscast saw these people telling stories of explosions! When you look at the evidence that the so called "9-11 Truthers" bring to the table compared to the 9-11 Comission... We need an independent investigation.)

Gerald Celente 'Worst economic collapse ever'

   Gerald Celente runs The Trends Research Institute. He has earned his reputation as "The most trusted name in trends" by accurately forecasting hundreds of social, business, consumer, environmental, economic, political, entertainment, and technology trends. Among them:
Celente coined the term "clean foods" in 1993 and predicted sustained growth in organic products in 1988.
When gold was at $275 per ounce in 2002, Celente said the price had bottomed and in 2004 forecast the beginning of the "Gold Bull Run." Since that time, with pinpoint accuracy, he said when, why - and how high - gold would go.

Years before Starbucks was a household name, Celente forecast the popularity of gourmet coffee and decades before Pepsi and Coke got into the water business he predicted the "Big Boom in Bottled Water."
On the geopolitical and economic fronts, Celente and The Trends Research Institute are credited with forecasting many major trends, including the "Panic of '08," the collapse of the Soviet Union, the last two recessions, the dot-com meltdown, the 1997 Asian currency crisis, the 1987 world stock market crash, increased terrorism against America, "Crusades 2000," and the quagmire in Iraq … before war began.

(This is who I listen to when I want to know the future. He rarely (if ever) is wrong about what he says.)

Censorship of the Internet Takes Center Stage in "Online Infringement" Bill

   Senator Patrick Leahy yesterday introduced the "Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act" (COICA). This flawed bill would allow the Attorney General and the Department of Justice to break the Internet one domain at a time — by requiring domain registrars/registries, ISPs, DNS providers, and others to block Internet users from reaching certain websites. The bill would also create two Internet blacklists. The first is a list of all the websites hit with a censorship court order from the Attorney General. The second, more worrying, blacklist is a list of domain names that the Department of Justice determines — without judicial review — are "dedicated to infringing activities." The bill only requires blocking for domains in the first list, but strongly suggests that domains on the second list should be blocked as well by providing legal immunity for Internet intermediaries and DNS operators who decide to block domains on the second blacklist as well. (It's easy to predict that there will be tremendous pressure for Internet intermediaries of all stripes to block these "deemed infringing" sites on the second blacklist.)
  This is a censorship bill that runs roughshod over freedom of speech on the Internet. Free speech is vitally important to democracy, which is why the government is restricted from suppressing speech except in very specific, narrowly-tailored situations. But this bill is the polar opposite of narrow — not only in the broad way that it tries to define a site "dedicated to infringing activities," but also in the solution that it tries to impose — a block on a whole domain, and not just the infringing part of the site.

Click Here For Full Story

(What you are reading right now is FREE SPEECH. If congress has their way, you will no longer be able to read stories like this. Without internet free speech, you would have never known that this was happening behind your back. The internet MUST be kept a  free domain at all cost!)

US military suicide prevention efforts fail-report

WASHINGTON, Sept 23 (Reuters Life!) - Efforts to prevent suicides among U.S. war veterans are failing, in part because distressed troops do not trust the military to help them, top military officials said on Thursday.

Poor training, a lack of coordination and an overstretched military are also factors, but a new 76-point plan lays out ways to improve this, Colonel John Bradley, chief of psychiatry at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, told a conference.

Bradley said a team of experts spent a year interviewing troops who had attempted suicide, family members and others for the report and plan, presented last month to Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who is due to report to Congress in 90 days.

According to the report, available at, 1,100 servicemen and women committed suicide in 2005 to 2009 -- one suicide every day and a half. The Army's suicide rate doubled in that time.

(Perhaps these brave souls are seeing that we are on the wrong side of history here. These heroes VOLUNTEERED to DEFEND our country. We owe it to our soldiers to NEVER send them into ANY unjust wars.)

Click here for full story:

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Gulf Water “Sample Exploded” When Chemist Tested for Oil

 This is an excerpt from a local news feed from an Alabama  station reporting on their independent water sampling from the Gulf. One of their samples contained so many hydrocarbons that it BLEW UP during testing! 

 (excerpt) News Five collected samples of water and sand from Orange Beach, Gulf Shores, Katrina Key and Dauphin Island. To our eyes, the samples appeared normal. We asked  analytical chemist Bob Naman, “When testing for oil… how much would be normal on the beach?”. His response was, “I wouldn’t think you’d find very much on the beach. there’s no real ‘normal’ amount. normal is ‘none detected.'”… a chemist with nearly thirty years of experience… he wouldn’t expect to see any more than 5 parts per million of the greasy stuff.

   Gulf Shores beach water, right where people were swimming, showed 66 parts per million. Another sample was a spot in Orange Beach, where we found kids playing, and we found our highest content of oil and petroleum. 221 parts per million.
   When Naman added an organic solvent to separate the oil from the water, collected at Dauphin Island Marina, just like he did with all the other samples, this sample exploded right in his lab. “It was almost instantaneous. Actually, maybe one second. that’s just weird.” The result surprised even our chemist.

"Hurricane" Kindra: "Get off your butt and get in the street!" -- "WAKE UP" AMERICA

   BP Oil disaster activist and true American patriot "Hurricane" Kindra Arnesen,commands attention At the Spill into Washington Rally in Washington D.C.September 5, 2010. Her message here is fairly simple and yet it cuts to the core of Americas problems today. And her message is aimed, with deadly accuracy,at the the TRUE culprits who are allowing the nation to be taken down. Listen closely to someone has dedicated her life to finding the truth and telling it like it is.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jewish leaders: “Germans Now Denying the Holocaust Telepathically”

BERLIN (IFPN)  Germany’s Central Council of Jews (ZJD) has demanded "immediate government action" in response to unsettling findings published in its quarterly social trends report, ‘Virulent Anti-Semitism in Germany Today, Issue 1, 2008’he report highlights a worrying increase in anti-Semitic sentiment and, more sensationally, the dissemination of holocaust denial "by means of telepathy". "We know they’re doing it," says Stephan Kramer, General Secretary of the ZJD. "They are evading punishment by spreading anti-Semitic propaganda and denying the holocaust without writing a word or moving their lips."

(I know very little about the so called “holocaust” and even less about the so called “holocaust deniers”… but I think I know enough to say that anyone who makes claims like these make the deniers seem like scholars and the Jewish leaders seem like they have been smoking their own belly button lint. Why would you think you were helping the Jewish cause with talk like that.  Too funny)

Veterans Affairs Deal With Prudential “Downright Sleazy”

If you thought that the Veterans Administration treated our soldiers and their families horribly, their latest abomination hits an all time low in sleaze. In 1999 The V A and made a secret verbal deal that allows Prudential Insurance to keep control of huge amounts of money owed survivors of service members, short changing the beneficiaries on interest.
Instead of sending fallen soldiers survivors their total due benefit, the company, with the unwritten but tacit agreement of the VA, sent the beneficiaries checkbooks tied to its Alliance Account (general company fund). They kept the money and reaped interest totaling 8 times the amount they were paying to the families. The VA never informed the families of their entitlement to the full lump sum payment. Even more devastating, the survivors were deliberately duped into believing that giving up control of the money was a good deal.
The checks, actually IOUs or drafts, are not covered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. If Prudential should lose the funds, the survivors would be out of luck.

The Truth? No Offense but...You ARE a Slave.

Meet Your Strawman!

The New World Order is a Conspiracy Theory? See What David Rockefeller Has To Say!

    Read this one page from the memoirs of David Rockefeller. In his own words, the driving force behind the Council on Foreign Relations and the “One World Government “ruled by the “secret cabal” of elite bankers (like himself) says its all  true and he’s proud of it. The “Elite Bankers” are CAUSING the global financial collapse in order to achieve their goals. And as a primary holder of BP oil stock (Chase bank), Is Rockefeller and his “Cabal” who we want running our world?


We’ll start out easy:

 Abe Lincoln   PATRIOT!  He issued “Greenbacks” which were real money, issued with backing of US gold, free of DEBT to the International bankers. Promptly assassinated .  Just like JFK.

Sen. Joe Lieberman  TRAITOR! Why?  Works tirelessly for the interest of Israel. Introduces legislation such as the “Internet Kill Switch” which gives Obama control of the world wide web at his discretion and The Patriot act which attacks your civil liberties.

Now a little harder:

Woodrow Wilson  TRAITOR!  Why? 1913 Signed Federal Reserve act into law giving Private international banking cartel power over all money creation and began devaluation of dollar that continues to this day, also started first income tax enslaving Americans for life.

Dr. Ron Paul   PATRIOT!  Why?  Introduced “End The Fed” bill, Served in Air Force, has never voted for any legislation against the constitution. Tells the DAMN TRUTH!

Toby Keith   JURY STILL OUT!   Why?  Although his whole image is that of a patriot, he writes songs promoting the hatred of muslims and the illegal wars that are destroying the country he claims to love. He may simply be unaware of the truth, but when millions of fans hear his message of blind faith in a government gone wild, it does nothing to help. If he IS a patriot…He should do his homework. May just be promoting IMAGE of patriotism to sell records.

Eustace Mullins    PATRIOT!  (With a capital”P”)      Perhaps one of the greatest of all time. 1952 he authored of the first book exposing the Federal Reserve as the world’s most notorious criminal syndicate. Spent 60 years as the dominate researcher of government corruption and international conspiracy in the world. Also authored the first book on the World Order in 1990.

Ezra Pound     PATRIOT!!   (The Thomas Jefferson kind)     As a poet in the early twentieth century, he was the mentor of Eustace Mullins as well as 4 Nobel Literature prize winners, James Joyce, Ernest Hemingway, T.S. Eliot, and William Butler Yeats. He was the dominant intellectual of the twentieth century. He worked through his poetry to expose the diabolical inner workings of the Federal Reserve and their role in starting world wars 1 and 2. Arrested and imprisoned in St. Elizabeth Mental institution for over 13 years to silence him…It Didn’t Work!

Andrew Jackson    PATRIOT!  BIG TIME!   Told the international bankers “ Ye are a den of thieves and I intend to rout you out! And by the grace of Eternal God, I WILL rout you out!” Proceeded to revoke the charter of the central bank, remove all American assets, and paid off the national debt within 5 years. Has the words “I  KILLED THE BANK !”engraved on his tomb.

David Rockefeller     TRAITOR!    Being born and raised in the US you’d think just maybe he could use his money and power to help the country. WRONG! He uses the US to his advantage then does everything to kill the constitution and make this a communist nation by his own admission.

Lee Harvey Oswald     JURY STILL OUT!      Oswald was a company man (CIA asset) from a very young age, until the end. He possibly thought he was doing good for the nation. He did not shoot the President and even when he realized he had been betrayed by being set up as the patsy, he still kept his mouth shut.

Rep. James Traficant    PATRIOT!   Twenty year beloved congressman railroaded out of congress and into jail for telling the truth about Zionist control of our government. Spent every second of seven year sentence even after being offered a release the second week if he signed a confession. Told them “HELL NO I WONT CONFESS TO A CRIME I DIDN’T COMMIT”

Kindra Arnesen   PATRIOT!      Hurricane from Venice, La. that has taken up the cross for victims of the Gulf Oil Disaster. She carries it proudly over her head. Speaks LOUDLY and DIRECTLY to the powers that be because she hates what is happening to her beloved country.

John F. Kennedy   PATRIOT!    Issued REAL LAWFUL MONEY in the form US Silver certificates that paid zero interest to the Federal Reserve. Assassinated just a few short weeks after (Just like Lincoln)  and all certificates taken out of circulation.

New England Patriots     Now what do you think???  PATRIOTS of course!!