Wednesday, September 22, 2010


We’ll start out easy:

 Abe Lincoln   PATRIOT!  He issued “Greenbacks” which were real money, issued with backing of US gold, free of DEBT to the International bankers. Promptly assassinated .  Just like JFK.

Sen. Joe Lieberman  TRAITOR! Why?  Works tirelessly for the interest of Israel. Introduces legislation such as the “Internet Kill Switch” which gives Obama control of the world wide web at his discretion and The Patriot act which attacks your civil liberties.

Now a little harder:

Woodrow Wilson  TRAITOR!  Why? 1913 Signed Federal Reserve act into law giving Private international banking cartel power over all money creation and began devaluation of dollar that continues to this day, also started first income tax enslaving Americans for life.

Dr. Ron Paul   PATRIOT!  Why?  Introduced “End The Fed” bill, Served in Air Force, has never voted for any legislation against the constitution. Tells the DAMN TRUTH!

Toby Keith   JURY STILL OUT!   Why?  Although his whole image is that of a patriot, he writes songs promoting the hatred of muslims and the illegal wars that are destroying the country he claims to love. He may simply be unaware of the truth, but when millions of fans hear his message of blind faith in a government gone wild, it does nothing to help. If he IS a patriot…He should do his homework. May just be promoting IMAGE of patriotism to sell records.

Eustace Mullins    PATRIOT!  (With a capital”P”)      Perhaps one of the greatest of all time. 1952 he authored of the first book exposing the Federal Reserve as the world’s most notorious criminal syndicate. Spent 60 years as the dominate researcher of government corruption and international conspiracy in the world. Also authored the first book on the World Order in 1990.

Ezra Pound     PATRIOT!!   (The Thomas Jefferson kind)     As a poet in the early twentieth century, he was the mentor of Eustace Mullins as well as 4 Nobel Literature prize winners, James Joyce, Ernest Hemingway, T.S. Eliot, and William Butler Yeats. He was the dominant intellectual of the twentieth century. He worked through his poetry to expose the diabolical inner workings of the Federal Reserve and their role in starting world wars 1 and 2. Arrested and imprisoned in St. Elizabeth Mental institution for over 13 years to silence him…It Didn’t Work!

Andrew Jackson    PATRIOT!  BIG TIME!   Told the international bankers “ Ye are a den of thieves and I intend to rout you out! And by the grace of Eternal God, I WILL rout you out!” Proceeded to revoke the charter of the central bank, remove all American assets, and paid off the national debt within 5 years. Has the words “I  KILLED THE BANK !”engraved on his tomb.

David Rockefeller     TRAITOR!    Being born and raised in the US you’d think just maybe he could use his money and power to help the country. WRONG! He uses the US to his advantage then does everything to kill the constitution and make this a communist nation by his own admission.

Lee Harvey Oswald     JURY STILL OUT!      Oswald was a company man (CIA asset) from a very young age, until the end. He possibly thought he was doing good for the nation. He did not shoot the President and even when he realized he had been betrayed by being set up as the patsy, he still kept his mouth shut.

Rep. James Traficant    PATRIOT!   Twenty year beloved congressman railroaded out of congress and into jail for telling the truth about Zionist control of our government. Spent every second of seven year sentence even after being offered a release the second week if he signed a confession. Told them “HELL NO I WONT CONFESS TO A CRIME I DIDN’T COMMIT”

Kindra Arnesen   PATRIOT!      Hurricane from Venice, La. that has taken up the cross for victims of the Gulf Oil Disaster. She carries it proudly over her head. Speaks LOUDLY and DIRECTLY to the powers that be because she hates what is happening to her beloved country.

John F. Kennedy   PATRIOT!    Issued REAL LAWFUL MONEY in the form US Silver certificates that paid zero interest to the Federal Reserve. Assassinated just a few short weeks after (Just like Lincoln)  and all certificates taken out of circulation.

New England Patriots     Now what do you think???  PATRIOTS of course!!

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