Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jewish leaders: “Germans Now Denying the Holocaust Telepathically”

BERLIN (IFPN)  Germany’s Central Council of Jews (ZJD) has demanded "immediate government action" in response to unsettling findings published in its quarterly social trends report, ‘Virulent Anti-Semitism in Germany Today, Issue 1, 2008’he report highlights a worrying increase in anti-Semitic sentiment and, more sensationally, the dissemination of holocaust denial "by means of telepathy". "We know they’re doing it," says Stephan Kramer, General Secretary of the ZJD. "They are evading punishment by spreading anti-Semitic propaganda and denying the holocaust without writing a word or moving their lips."

(I know very little about the so called “holocaust” and even less about the so called “holocaust deniers”… but I think I know enough to say that anyone who makes claims like these make the deniers seem like scholars and the Jewish leaders seem like they have been smoking their own belly button lint. Why would you think you were helping the Jewish cause with talk like that.  Too funny)

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