Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Resolution S 510 Is a Snake Waiting to Strike

    House Resolution HR 875 and Senate Resolution S 510, otherwise known as "The Food Safety Modernization Act", may be the most dangerous bills in the history of the US. "If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. Monsanto says it has no interest in the bill and would not benefit from it, but if it passes. S 510 would give Monsanto unlimited power over all US seed, food supplements, food and farming.
  HR 875 mandates that anyone who produces food of any kind – meat, milk, fruit, vegetables et cetera –   and transports that food for sale be subject to warrant less government inspections of their farms and food production records.   These random inspections can be conducted at the whim of federal agents without regard to farmers rights or property rights.   Further, the law would allow federal agents to confiscate records, product as they see fit as part of the inspection process.
  This law would affect every farmer or food producer who must transport his goods to sell them – in effect, every single farmer.   That means that an orchard that sells fresh fruit at a roadside stand would be affected; a farmer who delivers CSA boxes would be affected, even a home gardener who brings excess harvest to a farmers market’s community booth would have to register or be subject to $1,000,000 fines and that garden plot would be subject to inspection by federal agents.   Ridiculous, isn’t it?   But it’s true. Contact your Representative today and let them know we can't allow this dangerous precedent to be set.
Read Full Story Here
Read the text of the bill here 

(While we were preoccupied with the 9-11 mosque and Koran burnings, we should have been watching what our congress was doing. This bill will essentially turn over all control of our food supply to big government to the delight of the United Nations. The nations small farmers will be regulated out of business and YOU will be considered a criminal for growing, selling, or even GIVING away homegrown food!! Don’t think that’s possible? Read the bill. I did! And it’s in there.)

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