Saturday, September 25, 2010

US military suicide prevention efforts fail-report

WASHINGTON, Sept 23 (Reuters Life!) - Efforts to prevent suicides among U.S. war veterans are failing, in part because distressed troops do not trust the military to help them, top military officials said on Thursday.

Poor training, a lack of coordination and an overstretched military are also factors, but a new 76-point plan lays out ways to improve this, Colonel John Bradley, chief of psychiatry at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, told a conference.

Bradley said a team of experts spent a year interviewing troops who had attempted suicide, family members and others for the report and plan, presented last month to Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who is due to report to Congress in 90 days.

According to the report, available at, 1,100 servicemen and women committed suicide in 2005 to 2009 -- one suicide every day and a half. The Army's suicide rate doubled in that time.

(Perhaps these brave souls are seeing that we are on the wrong side of history here. These heroes VOLUNTEERED to DEFEND our country. We owe it to our soldiers to NEVER send them into ANY unjust wars.)

Click here for full story:

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