Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Second Greatest Inventor of the Century: Stanley Meyer

  Ask anyone who knows anything about science who is the greatest inventor of all time, and every single one will tell you, Nikola Tesla. There is not a single person in the civilized world who hasn't benefitted from his work yet, it may be possible that you've never heard of him. Most of Tesla's inventions were revolutionary and beneficial to mankind. The kind of inventions that could  free humanity from corporate and government enslavement. Inventions such as free worldwide electricity with no wires, outlets, or meters. As you could imagine, Tesla had some powerful forces working against inventions like these. Still, Tesla's first concern was the benefit of the human race.
   Now, ask the same people about Stanley Meyer, and they resemble a dog that has just heard a high pitched noise. Yet this simple man, working out of his own garage has to be on par with Tesla. In his ingenuity as well as his love for humanity. Stan Meyer invented a simple device that could make any car run on pure tap water. No gas, no oil. The fuel was hydrogen and oxygen extracted from water (H2o).  On board electrolysis, no hydrogen tanks, no bombs on-board, just water. (1998) He had patents on his invention and was ready for production. Only $1,500 to equip your car!Stanley said he was offered a billion dollars from an Arab to basically shelf his idea. Stan said, "no, this technology is for the people." Stan said while he was alive, that he was threatened many times and would not sell out to Arab Oil Corp.s The Military was going to use this technology in their tanks, jeeps, etc. The videos below show Stan Meyer's Dune Buggy that ran on water.It ran 100 miles per gallon! AND, the exhaust was pure oxygen. ZERO pollution PERIOD!
   Stan Meyer died in the parking lot of a restaurant in his home town of Grove City, Ohio in the arms of his brother, Steve claiming that he had been poisoned. Sharks came a week later and stole the the dune buggy and all of his experimental equipment, according to his brother.
    So what is happening with Stan's Great Invention of the 20th Century!! Absolutely nothing. Are they manufacturing his invention. NO, Why not? because it would solve all the world's problems today. But before Stan died he told his brother to give the world his invention. If you would like to have ALL of Stans' writings , drawings, and specifications you can download them  HERE. That's correct. Every bit of information needed to easily build your own simple device that will turn you car into a Water Fueled Vehicle for a minimal cost. Don't believe it? Watch the following videos and do your own research on the second greatest inventor of the century: Stanley Meyer.

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