Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Feds Spent $800,000 of Economic Stimulus on African Genital-Washing Program

(CNS News.) The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), spent $823,200 of economic stimulus funds in 2009 on a study by a UCLA research team to teach uncircumcised African men how to wash their genitals after having sex. NIH Announces the Availability of Recovery Act Funds for Competitive Revision Applications," the grant abstract states. "We propose to evaluate the feasibility of a post-coital genital hygiene study among men unwilling to be circumcised in Orange Farm, South Africa."

Read Full Story Here

( This is about as unflippin believable as it gets! I've got a better way to spend that money...Use it for a study on how to wash a few hundred DICKS out of Washington DC. !!)

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