Thursday, October 28, 2010

Indiana Parents Told to Drop Disabled Kids at Shelters

INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana's budget crunch has become so severe that some state workers have suggested leaving severely disabled people at homeless shelters if they can't be cared for at home, parents and advocates said.

   They said workers at Indiana's Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services have told parents that's one option they have when families can no longer care for children at home and haven't received Medicaid waivers that pay for services that support disabled people living independently.

     Kim Dodson, associate executive director of The Arc of Indiana said, "It is something we are hearing from all over the state, that families are being told this is an alternative for them," Dodson said. "A homeless shelter would never be able to serve these people."

Click HERE For Full Story

65% Favor Getting Rid of Entire Congress and Starting Over

  A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 65% of Likely U.S. Voters say if they had the option next week, they would vote to get rid of the entire Congress and start all over again. Only 20% would opt to keep the entire Congress instead. Fifteen percent (15%) aren’t sure.
Of course, the Political Class strongly disagrees.  While 84% of Mainstream voters would opt to get rid of the entire Congress, 64% of the Political Class would vote instead to keep them all.

Read Full Story HERE


Sunday, October 24, 2010

FBI Says: No Credible Evidence Linking Bin Laden to 9-11

    The FBI admits it has never had one shred of evidence that Osama Bin Laden had any connection whatsoever to the 9-11 attacks.    

This is evident by their wanted poster for his capture. Nowhere does it mention the 9-11 attacks.

Ask yourself why.

Ask yourself why you didn’t know this.

Now, ask yourself this question… “Why, after 9 years, do I still hear that Bin Laden was the mastermind?” 

“What other facts am I ignorant of?”

   (Soooo…they didn’t have any evidence on the hijackers but sure they had evidence on Bin Laden, Right? WRONG!  Damn… that’s pretty big lie to be telling 300 million people!  These lies should tell you a lot about the integrity of the “Official” conspiracy theory. The whole story about the hijackers AND Bin Laden was completely MADE UP!)

FBI Director Admits No Evidence Linking Hijackers To 911

(American Free Press)       After non-stop declarations by U.S. government spokesmen that there exists solid proof 19 Muslim men plotted the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, FBI Director Robert Mueller has now admitted quite the opposite.
Mueller said, "In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper, either here in the United States or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere, that mentioned any aspect of the Sept. 11 plot."    
  “The amazing possibility remains that others carried out the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, using the identities of the 19 Muslims who have been assigned guilt in the tragedy.”

(If they have NO evidence NOW, nine years later, then It's obvious they had no evidence THEN  either. The only conclusion that can be drawn from the evidence we DO have is that our government, with help of the mass media, deliberately made up a HUGE LIE about Muslims and fed it to the world.)

North Carolina Touch-Screen Machine Flips Straight-Party Vote Four Times in a Row from GOP to Dem


UPDATE: Another NC county reports repeated R to D vote flipping...

County GOP Chair Says: "They ain’t worth a damn, we ought to go back to paper ballots"

   A Craven County voter says he had a near miss at the polls on Thursday when an electronic voting machine completed his straight-party ticket for the opposite of what he intended.

    Sam Laughinghouse of New Bern said he pushed the button to vote Republican in all races, but the voting machine screen displayed a ballot with all Democrats checked. He cleared the screen and tried again with the same result, he said. Then he asked for and received help from election staff.

 "They pushed it twice and the same thing happened," Laughinghouse said. "That was four times in a row. The fifth time they pushed it and the Republicans came up and I voted."
  "Something is not right here," (Craven County GOP Chair Chuck) Tyson told the Sun Journal. He said he "got two or three calls" from people describing the same problem while they were voting.

  Earlier this week, it was reported that a touch-screen voting machine in Dallas, TX, was caught on video flipping a single vote for Rep. Governor Rick Perry to a straight slate for all  the "Green Party" candiates.

   In the video, shot by programmer Don Relyea  and posted on YouTube , multiple attempts were made to cast one vote for Perry for Governer and  one vote for each independent candidate for other offices. But the machine repeatedly changed the votes.

  The video has since been set to "private,"presumably by Relyea, at YouTube a few hours ago. So, unfortunately (for now), we're unable to show the video itself, though we watched it several times this morning before it was made unavailable. The removal of the video, seemingly shot via a cell phone camera, may be due to Texas law barring recording equipment of any kind in polling places.

(More and more people are seeing that electronic voting machines :

1. Are prone to  provide incorrect vote tabulations...

2. Can be  easily hacked into by a tenth grader...

3. Are totally untrustworthy and totally unnecessary...And,

4. Give the entire election process the distinct ODOR of  distrust because the machines (and not humans) do the counting without the accountability of a paper trail.

  If we just "take it for granted" that these machines actually tally our precious votes correctly...  
Then we are "taking for granted" our voice and our rights as well!





Saturday, October 23, 2010

Is THIS Why We Are In Afghanistan?


(We've been told that the Taliban is using drug money to finance their war with us.
  If this is true, explain these documented facts:
  Documented fact: Before 2001 the Taliban had cut Afghanistan’s opium production by over 95%
  Another documented fact:  Since the U.S. invasion,opium production has surpassed any time in history.Under the protection of the U.S. military
  The saddest documented fact:  U.S. soldiers are dying while others are made to guard the poppy fields and assist with the shipment of opium that will be made into the heroin that eventually ends up in the veins of American addicts.

  The Only Factual Conclusion:  THIS ALL MUST END!!  Don’t you agree?)

Friday, October 22, 2010

ADA Study Confirms Dangers of Fluoridated Water, Especially for Babies

(NaturalNews)   Advocates of fluoridated water insist that the chemical additive is good for teeth, but actual science routinely shows otherwise, including a new study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association confirming fluoride as a toxic substance that actually destroys teeth, particularly those of developing young children and babies.

  When people are exposed to excessive levels of fluoride through sources like drinking water, foods and beverages and even swallowed toothpaste, it often results in a condition known as dental fluorosis.
  The internal uptake of fluoride into teeth over time causes their enamel to become mottled and discolored, the end result being damaged teeth that have essentially rotted from the inside out.

   The study  went on to warn that "infant formulas reconstituted with higher fluoride water can provide 100 to 200 times more fluoride than breast milk, or cow's milk."
   Kidney disease is another hallmark of fluoride poisoning. Multiple animal studies have found that fluoride levels as low as 1 part per million (which is the amount added to most fluoridated water systems) cause kidney damage.

(For years now thousands of scientists  have been saying that fluoride in the public water supplies was poisonous and dangerous.

They were called "conspiracy theorists" and "Tin Foil Hat Wearers".

Well... lo and behold, now the AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION comes out and says not only is fluoride a dangerous poison but it actually...Get this now... CAUSES TOOTH DECAY!!! 

 Did you get that????

Ask Yourself These Questions:
Is YOUR city's water supply still fluoridated?
Ill bet you a buck it is!!

Are YOUR children drinking  poison laced water that CAUSES TOOTH DECAY??
Ill bet you a buck they are!!

Now Answer this question...
Did you pay your fluoridated water bill this month??
You'd better get  on that right this instant!! 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews

JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews.

Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat.

Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat,” he said to some laughter.
   Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews.

With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew, said the rabbi, who recently turned 90.

The American Jewish Committee condemned the rabbi’s remarks in a statement issued Monday.
   “Rabbi Yosef’s remarks — suggesting outrageously that Jewish scripture asserts non-Jews exist to serve Jews — are abhorrent and an offense to human dignity and human equality, said AJC Executive Director David Harris.

Judaism first taught the world that all individuals are created in the divine image, which helped form the basis of our moral code. A rabbi should be the first, not the last, to reflect that bedrock teaching of our tradition.”

(Even a true Anti-Semite wouldn't  say such horrible things about Jewish people.              I have a few questions...
Just exactly WHO are the haters here?
How many other Rabbis' feel this way?
Is this what they teach to Jewish children?
Is there anything ELSE we "Goyim" should know about?)

Sesame Street's Elmo Explains The National Debt

Obama's Spending Record: An Increase of 21% In Two Years


   Perhaps you missed it, but then so did the Washington press corps. Late last week the Congressional Budget Office released its preliminary budget tallies for fiscal year 2010, and the news is that the U.S. government had another fabulous year—in spending your money.
 Spending rolled in for the year that ended September 30 at $3.45 trillion, second only to 2009's $3.52 trillion in the record books.

   As for the deficits, the 2010 total was $1.29 trillion, down slightly from $1.42 trillion. That's a two-year total of $2.7 trillion, or more than the entire amount during the Reagan Administration, when deficits were supposed to be ruinous.

   Here's the kicker:  By far the biggest percentage-gain revenue winner for the taxpayer in 2010 was . . . the Federal Reserve.  Thanks to the expansion of its balance sheet with riskier assets, the Fed earned $76 billion during the year, a 121% increase. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Hypocrisy of Voters: Shame On Us


  A recent Gallup poll shows that, overall, 46% of Americans believe the federal government "poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens," little changed from the prior reading in 2006. However, during that time, Republicans’ and Democrats’ views of the government as a threat have shifted dramatically.

    These results suggest that Americans’ perceptions of the government as a threat may be less dependent on broader, philosophical views of government power, and instead have more to do with who is wielding that power.
    Throughout the Bush administration, Democrats were more likely than Republicans to perceive the government as a threat. Now that a Democratic president is in office, the reverse is true.
   Since 2003, when the question was first asked, independents’ views have been more consistent, although independents have been somewhat more likely to perceive the government as a threat since 2006 than they were before that year.  

(That one sentence  "The "Independents" views have been more consistent", says it all. These people do not "Depend" on anyone but themselves to make a sound judgement about our government.
   This poll shows that the  views of the people who call themselves Democrat or Republican DEPEND more upon the views of the parties than their own thoughts. 

 I can see clearly , WITH MY OWN EYES, that :
   A change in the ruling party changes absolutely NOTHING in Washington. The beat goes on...The wheels still spin against you...and the immediate threat to your rights and freedoms grow and grow.
 And you still feel that because YOUR party runs things, all is better??

Listen closely...

  YOUR party, no matter which, does NOT  have your best interest in mind,

 YOUR party, No matter which, doesn't care about you and your family at all!!  AT ALL!
Not even one little bit! 

Their actions PROVE that! Can't you SEE ?  

Open Your Eyes!!)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Obama Supporters Defecting to GOP, Poll Shows

   President Obama's winning coalition from 2008 has crumbled and his core backers are dispirited. It's now Republicans who stand to benefit from an electorate that's again craving change.
     Nearly two years after putting Obama in the White House, one-quarter of those who voted for the Democrat are defecting to the GOP or considering voting against the party in power this fall. Just half of them say they definitely will show up Nov. 2, according to an Associated Press-Knowledge Networks poll released two weeks before Obama's first midterm elections.
     Yet in a reflection of broad dissatisfaction with politics, just as many people who backed Republican presidential nominee John McCain are either supporting Democrats now or still considering how to vote.

(When will people learn that there are two parties to give you the IMPRESSION you have a choice. YOU DON'T!  YOU DON'T!!!!!    There aint a dimes worth  of difference between  Republicans and Democrats. You are just a bunch of mice who scurry  back and forth from cat to cat.
 It's like having a choice between being hanged or being drowned.)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Government Trains Troops To Run American Cities

Program re-ignites fears that active duty military are being primed to deal with civil unrest in aftermath of economic turmoil.

  Local government officials are training active duty military soldiers to run communities, re-igniting fears that troops will be used to deal with civil unrest in the event of a total economic collapse or other national emergency in a newly militarized America.
“The 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division met with City Manager Mary Corriveau, Mayor Jeff Graham and other City officials gaining insight about city infrastructure,” reports ABC 50.
“Government 101 is a new program that Fort Drum has established to learn from local officials about what it takes to run a community efficiently.”

 The troops are being prepared for “A sitution where in essence they will become the local government,” said Corriveau.

Full story Here

The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina

(As a resident of the New Orleans area I can tell you that the government troops confiscated the firearms of descent Americans and the guns of the criminals stayed in the hands of the criminals. The troops never went into the "Rough" areas where the true thugs and the water were. They were frighteningly efficient when dealing with old ladies and law abiding citizens.

The bottom line here is THAT IT HAPPENED.Our constitutional rights were taken along with our ability to defend ourselves.)

US Dollar Plunges, Gold Soars To New Record

Hints of mutiny within Fed as attempt to crash dollar becomes clear 

   The US dollar plunged once again today as the currency continues to be battered by increasingly substantial rumours that the Federal Reserve will announce, within the next three weeks, plans to buy $1 trillion of government debt in the form of “quantitative easing”.

“Some analysts are already concerned about the potential inflation consequences of the Fed’s previous QE measures. To the extent that QE2 would exacerbate those concerns, it could raise inflation expectations.” Thornton writes.

   It is clear that some within the structure of the Fed are attempting to distance themselves from, or are even attempting to prevent the madness that they know is about to ensue under the policies of their superiors.

  Of course, this is coupled with another record breaking day for gold, with Comex gold prices hitting another record high of $1,388.10 in December futures.

“Gold’s climb is not showing any signs of slowing: $1400 is now being eyed as a short-term target, which seems easily achievable as long as the dollar continues to fall across the board,” Edel Tully, precious metals strategist at UBS in London, told the Financial Times.

 The US mint is now selling American Buffalo coins at a whopping $1,610, with American Eagle proof coins at $1,585 and American Eagle uncirculated coins completely unavailable due to the overwhelming demand:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Government Agents Seize Newborn Baby Over Political Beliefs Of Parents

    A newborn baby was ripped from its mother’s arms by officials from the New Hampshire Division of Family Child Services accompanied by police after authorities cited the parents’ association with the Oath Keepers organization as one of the primary reasons for the snatch, heralding a shocking new level of persecution where Americans’ political beliefs are now being used by the state to kidnap children.

This is a direct comment by the father,


  "This is Johnathon Irish, Brothers and Sisters, thank you for all of your support. is my personal email address if needed. Thank you all again for your support, if so needed I will send you our cell number just email me. I don't know what else to say right now, these bastards stole my daughter and she wasn't even 24 hours old. She was born at 2337 last night. I only have a few pictures of my baby girl, I can't even cry I am so pissed."

     Last Night John Irish & Stephanie Janvrin had their new born baby girl taken away by government officials because of their involvement with Oath Keepers, a non violent constitutional organization. According to Irish, The Director of Security and the Head Nurse of the Hospital said "we want the pediatrician to check the baby in the nursery so that you can go home." The baby was wheeled out in the bassinet under the protest of Irish. Irish followed them out a took note of 3-4 men wearing suits with detective badges as well as 3 police officers.
        The Division of Family Child Services proceeded to pat down John and inform the parents they would be taking the daughter. "They Stole our Child" says John Irish. An Affidavit was produced that claimed an affiliation with a militia called Oath Keepers. Irish claims Oath Keepers is a non violent organization. John and Stephanie were able to spend a few minutes with their daughter and were forced to leave. A security officer escorted the two out of the hospital.

( Oath Keepers is not a militia.
Click Here For Oathkeepers Website
We will keep an eye on this story. But I have just one question... What is the government trying to accomplish  here? Are they TRYING to create an atmosphere of hatred and induce violence towards them? If they WANT people to hate them enough to commit violence, they sure are barking up the right tree by stealing their children.)

How Much is One Trillion Dollars ?

   In todays world of bank bailouts and multiple wars, it's common place to hear the words "Trillions of Dollars" thrown about as if it were a normal, rational concept. But when one begins to understand the difference  between millions, billions, and trillions, one has to wonder how we went from billions to trillions in such a short span. It took about 200 years to reach a federal budget in the multi billions. But just a matter of two or three years into this decade to reach a trillion.

How much is a Trillion?
Let's try to get our heads around it.

                            This is Ten Thousand Dollars

                             This is One Hundred Thousand Dollars
                                One Hundred Thousand Seconds= 1.57 days

                                      This is One Million Dollars

                                     One Million Seconds= 12 days
                          One Million Hours Ago Was The Year 1885

                                     This is One Billion Dollars

                                       One Billion Seconds = 31.7 Years
                             A billion minutes Ago Was The time Of Christ
                   A Billion Hours Ago Man Had Not Yet Walked On Earth
A Billion Dollars Ago Was Late Yesterday Afternoon For The US Treasury

                                  This Is One Trillion Dollars

                                One Trillion Seconds = 31,688 Years
                     One Trillion Seconds Ago Cave Men Walked The Earth
         10 Million Dollars A Day For 273 Years To Spend A Trillion Dollars

  (The US national debt is roughly 14 Trillion dollars now. Owed mostly to a criminal cabal known as The Federal Reserve.
100% of this debt money was created by simply typing the figures onto a balance sheet and never cost the Federal Reserve one thin dime to create. It was created out of thin air.

The US government used this money to bailout the banks that are causing the financial depression as well as to finance the illegal wars that our brave soldiers are dying in as we speak.

Imagine what that money could have done for the suffering people of the US in this terrible man made depression.

    Instead, it is being given to corrupt bankers on Wall Street, wasted on war profiteers feasting on the corpses of our brave soldiers, and being looted by a government gone wild bent on starting world war III

   My fellow Americans, there are now only two ways to take our government back from these evil lunatics.

Ballots or Bullets.

   We MUST try and vote out almost every incumbent in office now and try and stay away from the "Republicrats" and the newly hijacked Tea party. Choose the candidates by the content of their character and not by what you know of them from TV. Remember, the ones who have the most TV advertisements are the ones who have taken the most money from special interest.
Choose to vote them all out!

Because the second choice is unthinkable.)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Foreign Country In Charge of Security For All U.S. Nuclear Weapons heard that right. Our nukes are under the control of another country. And guess which country that is.
    Magal Security Systems, owned in part by the government of Israel, is in charge of security for the most sensitive nuclear power and weapons storage facilities in the United States.  Not only does Magal provide security for American nuclear facilities, but it also does likewise for most major nuclear facilities in Western Europe and Asia.
   Magal started out as a division of Israeli Aircraft Industries (IAI)—which was owned in part by the government of Israel. In recent years, however, Magal evolved into a publicly-traded company, although IAI (and thus the government of Israel) still holds a substantial share in the highly successful firm.
    What all of this means is that the government of Israel will actually have control over the security of America’s nuclear weapons.    However, there are some critics   (Like me and hopefully YOU)  who question the propriety of America’s super-sensitive nuclear security being in the hands of any foreign nation, particularly Israel which, even today, officially denies that it is engaged in the production of nuclear arms.
     Magal is also said to be quite interested in guarding water lines around the globe, particularly in the United States. In fact, Magal may have an inside shot at getting a monopoly in guarding America’s water supplies.

(Why the HELL would ANY country let ANYONE ELSE guard something as sensitive as their nuclear weapons and water supplies? Our government is either completely brain dead or else totally controlled by Israel.  My guess is both)

Click Here For Full Story

"Hurricane" Kindra Arnesen Suffering Health Problems From BP Disaster

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A List of Executive Orders Everyone Should Know About


  An executive order in the United States is an order issued by the President, the head of the executive branch of the federal government. Executive orders do have the full force of laws. Federal courts will enforce them just as if they had been enacted by Congress.

  Here is a list of some executive orders associated with FEMA that everyone should know about for the simple reason that they would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for whatever reason the government deems it necessary. The stated intent is, but is not limited to "times of national emergency"

  These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:...

allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.

allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

allows the government to seize all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports, and waterways.

allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.

allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.

designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.

allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.

How Did This Idiot Get Elected?

Untold History: The Incident Which Led to Vietnam War Never Happened


In August of 1964, President Lyndon Johnson, advised by his defense Secretary Robert McNamara, declared war on North Vietnam after an American naval vessel  was allegedly attacked by North Vietnamese ships in what is now known as "The Gulf Of Tonkin Incident".  Johnson answered the attack with full scale bombing raids and a massive deployment of ground troops.   By wars end, 58,000 American troops were killed in a losing effort along with untold number of Vietnamese soldiers and civilians.

    But in 2003, McNamara stated in a documentary titled "The Fog of War" that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident NEVER HAPPENED. And that he and the President both knew that the reports of the North Vietnamese aggression were false from the very beginning.

  McNamara was known as the architect of the Vietnam war. As Secretary of The Defense, no one had more understanding of the circumstances of that war. And yet, the government...OUR government sent 58,000 brave soldiers to their deaths in an un winnable guerilla war based on a bald faced lie!

   Much the same way that George Bush, advised by his Undersecretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and Osama Bin Laden's involvement in 9/11 to justify other illegal wars of aggression. Wars that are, once again, claiming the lives of our brave soldiers.

It should be noted that  Robert McNamara left the Johnson administration in 1968, to become the President of the World Bank. One of the most sinister institutions in the history of the planet.   
 When Paul Wolfowitz left the Bush administration, he also became the President of The World Bank.

I suppose the World Bank President's resume' needs to include magnanamous lies and the blood of thousands of innocents.

(If you think our leaders have good intentions and our best interests at should try and open your eyes and look around you. They don't care about you at all. AT ALL!)

The Forgotten Man

Trust in Media Collapses


       It’s fascinating to look at the long-term trend of public regard for the media establishment. In the days of Watergate, three channels, the Cold War, and Walter Cronkite, 75%  said the media was trustworthy and only 25%  said it was untrustworthy. Today, fully 57% say that major media is spouting baloney while only 43% are still to trust and obey. This is a major way in which the world has changed since the Internet.

(People are finally waking up and smelling the truth. But the disinfo isn't just in news reporting, it's in almost every single second of broadcast TV. Most people base their sense of reality on what they see on TV. Let's get something straight, you will NEVER obtain a  true grasp of the world around you until  you  turn off the poison that is blurring your ability to see the truth.).