Saturday, October 2, 2010

The REAL Flag and the Flag of the Slaves

  The Law of the Flag, an International Law, which is recognized by every nation of the planet, is defined as:

"... a rule to the effect that a vessel is a part of the territory of the nation whose flag she flies. The term is used to designate the RIGHTS under which a ship owner, who sends his vessel into a foreign port, gives notice by his flag to all who enter into contracts with the ship master that he intends the Law of that Flag to regulate those contracts, and that they must either submit to its operation or not contract with him or his agent at all."
Ref.: Ruhstrat v. People, 57 N.E. 41

    The Official National Flag of the United States of America. 

    Any flag other than the Official one does not represent the Constitution of The United States.  
     In a Judicial Department court under the national Flag, as described in the Constitution for the United States of America, as well as in State Constitutions, due process must be observed and followed, with all the protection of Constitutional Law.

    A gold fringed flag used widely by courts, schools, service organizations and private individuals is NOT a symbol of our constitutional republic, or national Union of States. It signifies a military jurisdictional presence. One official difference between the two flags is that when the fringe is placed around the Flag it denotes a military battle flag, not a national Flag.

     President, Dwight David Eisenhower, by Executive Order No.10834, signed on August 21, 1959 and printed in the Federal Register at 24 F.R. 6865, pursuant to law, stated that:       "A military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a Yellow Fringe border on three sides."   

   According to Army Regulations, (AR 840-10, Oct. 1, 1979.) "the Flag is trimmed on three sides with Fringe of Gold, 2 1/2 inches wide," and that, "such flags are flown indoors, ONLY in military courtrooms."
The adornments on the top of the flag pole are for military use only. The gold eagle is for the use of the President of the United States only, and only in time of war. The gold spear ball is for military recruiting centers only. The gold acorn is for military parades only. (Army Regulation 840-10, chapter 8).

    Any courtroom that displays these flags behind the Judge is a military courtroom. You are under military law and not constitutional law, or common law, or civil law, or statute law.
      Now the lawful status of a Citizen becomes important. For in a military jurisdiction, where the court-martial tribunal displays the fringed battle flag, it may impose criminal sanctions for issues involving contracts, without due process of law.

                     Why is this "flag thing" important?

   In 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt issued an executive order which was known as "The Emergency Banking Act of 1933".This order was essentially the official declaration of chapter 11 bankruptcy by the United States government. The total assets of the nation and it's citizenry fell into receivership of the creditor, The Federal Reserve.
   Because of the country's default on the national debt, Roosevelt declared a National Emergency, placing the nation under military rule including the suspension of the Constitution.

   The National Emergency has been renewed by every President since Roosevelt as the first order of new business upon inauguration. The country has been under military rule since 1933 as it is today. The American Judicial System which had been operating under constitutional or "common law" jurisdiction as it had for 150 years , was now operating under "Admiralty" or military jurisdiction as it is today. 
     The only notification given to the American people of this change was the presence of the new gold trimmed flag in all places under Admiralty jurisdiction.
 Why were we not informed?   
Because your strategy of defense in a court case would be completely different than if it was tried under common law.

   The  Emergency Banking Act was the most important law ever enacted in US history and yet not a word of it is taught in the American public school system. It effects every citizen to this day.  The act also mandated the confiscation of all gold possessed by all private citizens, required the first registration of newborn babies by birth certificates, and pledged all of the assets of the US, including all citizens from 1933 forward to the Federal Reserve, in effect enslaving the nation and all it's people.

    And the only way of letting us  know this without us taking to the streets and burning Washington to the ground....

Was the gold fringe.

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