Sunday, October 24, 2010

FBI Says: No Credible Evidence Linking Bin Laden to 9-11

    The FBI admits it has never had one shred of evidence that Osama Bin Laden had any connection whatsoever to the 9-11 attacks.    

This is evident by their wanted poster for his capture. Nowhere does it mention the 9-11 attacks.

Ask yourself why.

Ask yourself why you didn’t know this.

Now, ask yourself this question… “Why, after 9 years, do I still hear that Bin Laden was the mastermind?” 

“What other facts am I ignorant of?”

   (Soooo…they didn’t have any evidence on the hijackers but sure they had evidence on Bin Laden, Right? WRONG!  Damn… that’s pretty big lie to be telling 300 million people!  These lies should tell you a lot about the integrity of the “Official” conspiracy theory. The whole story about the hijackers AND Bin Laden was completely MADE UP!)

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