Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Foreign Country In Charge of Security For All U.S. Nuclear Weapons heard that right. Our nukes are under the control of another country. And guess which country that is.
    Magal Security Systems, owned in part by the government of Israel, is in charge of security for the most sensitive nuclear power and weapons storage facilities in the United States.  Not only does Magal provide security for American nuclear facilities, but it also does likewise for most major nuclear facilities in Western Europe and Asia.
   Magal started out as a division of Israeli Aircraft Industries (IAI)—which was owned in part by the government of Israel. In recent years, however, Magal evolved into a publicly-traded company, although IAI (and thus the government of Israel) still holds a substantial share in the highly successful firm.
    What all of this means is that the government of Israel will actually have control over the security of America’s nuclear weapons.    However, there are some critics   (Like me and hopefully YOU)  who question the propriety of America’s super-sensitive nuclear security being in the hands of any foreign nation, particularly Israel which, even today, officially denies that it is engaged in the production of nuclear arms.
     Magal is also said to be quite interested in guarding water lines around the globe, particularly in the United States. In fact, Magal may have an inside shot at getting a monopoly in guarding America’s water supplies.

(Why the HELL would ANY country let ANYONE ELSE guard something as sensitive as their nuclear weapons and water supplies? Our government is either completely brain dead or else totally controlled by Israel.  My guess is both)

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