Monday, October 18, 2010

The Hypocrisy of Voters: Shame On Us


  A recent Gallup poll shows that, overall, 46% of Americans believe the federal government "poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens," little changed from the prior reading in 2006. However, during that time, Republicans’ and Democrats’ views of the government as a threat have shifted dramatically.

    These results suggest that Americans’ perceptions of the government as a threat may be less dependent on broader, philosophical views of government power, and instead have more to do with who is wielding that power.
    Throughout the Bush administration, Democrats were more likely than Republicans to perceive the government as a threat. Now that a Democratic president is in office, the reverse is true.
   Since 2003, when the question was first asked, independents’ views have been more consistent, although independents have been somewhat more likely to perceive the government as a threat since 2006 than they were before that year.  

(That one sentence  "The "Independents" views have been more consistent", says it all. These people do not "Depend" on anyone but themselves to make a sound judgement about our government.
   This poll shows that the  views of the people who call themselves Democrat or Republican DEPEND more upon the views of the parties than their own thoughts. 

 I can see clearly , WITH MY OWN EYES, that :
   A change in the ruling party changes absolutely NOTHING in Washington. The beat goes on...The wheels still spin against you...and the immediate threat to your rights and freedoms grow and grow.
 And you still feel that because YOUR party runs things, all is better??

Listen closely...

  YOUR party, no matter which, does NOT  have your best interest in mind,

 YOUR party, No matter which, doesn't care about you and your family at all!!  AT ALL!
Not even one little bit! 

Their actions PROVE that! Can't you SEE ?  

Open Your Eyes!!)

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