Thursday, October 7, 2010

Government Agents Seize Newborn Baby Over Political Beliefs Of Parents

    A newborn baby was ripped from its mother’s arms by officials from the New Hampshire Division of Family Child Services accompanied by police after authorities cited the parents’ association with the Oath Keepers organization as one of the primary reasons for the snatch, heralding a shocking new level of persecution where Americans’ political beliefs are now being used by the state to kidnap children.

This is a direct comment by the father,


  "This is Johnathon Irish, Brothers and Sisters, thank you for all of your support. is my personal email address if needed. Thank you all again for your support, if so needed I will send you our cell number just email me. I don't know what else to say right now, these bastards stole my daughter and she wasn't even 24 hours old. She was born at 2337 last night. I only have a few pictures of my baby girl, I can't even cry I am so pissed."

     Last Night John Irish & Stephanie Janvrin had their new born baby girl taken away by government officials because of their involvement with Oath Keepers, a non violent constitutional organization. According to Irish, The Director of Security and the Head Nurse of the Hospital said "we want the pediatrician to check the baby in the nursery so that you can go home." The baby was wheeled out in the bassinet under the protest of Irish. Irish followed them out a took note of 3-4 men wearing suits with detective badges as well as 3 police officers.
        The Division of Family Child Services proceeded to pat down John and inform the parents they would be taking the daughter. "They Stole our Child" says John Irish. An Affidavit was produced that claimed an affiliation with a militia called Oath Keepers. Irish claims Oath Keepers is a non violent organization. John and Stephanie were able to spend a few minutes with their daughter and were forced to leave. A security officer escorted the two out of the hospital.

( Oath Keepers is not a militia.
Click Here For Oathkeepers Website
We will keep an eye on this story. But I have just one question... What is the government trying to accomplish  here? Are they TRYING to create an atmosphere of hatred and induce violence towards them? If they WANT people to hate them enough to commit violence, they sure are barking up the right tree by stealing their children.)

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