Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Untold History: The Incident Which Led to Vietnam War Never Happened


In August of 1964, President Lyndon Johnson, advised by his defense Secretary Robert McNamara, declared war on North Vietnam after an American naval vessel  was allegedly attacked by North Vietnamese ships in what is now known as "The Gulf Of Tonkin Incident".  Johnson answered the attack with full scale bombing raids and a massive deployment of ground troops.   By wars end, 58,000 American troops were killed in a losing effort along with untold number of Vietnamese soldiers and civilians.

    But in 2003, McNamara stated in a documentary titled "The Fog of War" that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident NEVER HAPPENED. And that he and the President both knew that the reports of the North Vietnamese aggression were false from the very beginning.

  McNamara was known as the architect of the Vietnam war. As Secretary of The Defense, no one had more understanding of the circumstances of that war. And yet, the government...OUR government sent 58,000 brave soldiers to their deaths in an un winnable guerilla war based on a bald faced lie!

   Much the same way that George Bush, advised by his Undersecretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and Osama Bin Laden's involvement in 9/11 to justify other illegal wars of aggression. Wars that are, once again, claiming the lives of our brave soldiers.

It should be noted that  Robert McNamara left the Johnson administration in 1968, to become the President of the World Bank. One of the most sinister institutions in the history of the planet.   
 When Paul Wolfowitz left the Bush administration, he also became the President of The World Bank.

I suppose the World Bank President's resume' needs to include magnanamous lies and the blood of thousands of innocents.

(If you think our leaders have good intentions and our best interests at heart...you should try and open your eyes and look around you. They don't care about you at all. AT ALL!)

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